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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/07 02:18:17
Sometimes I willl find myself to be a person who dares not to put what he has thought into fact though having many thoughts in his mind when I lie in bed losting in thought ,sending a message to one with whom I am not familiar as an example.
1.Sometimes I will 不对,will应该去掉
2.Losting in thought 不对,应该是lost in thought
推荐用Microsoft Word来查语病0.0
再问: 怎么样查语病???
再答: 把这段话复制到word里,下面打波浪线的就是有语病的
再问: 刚才试了下,确实是这样,不过这样也只是知道该处有语病,不知道如何修改啊~~~
再答: ......那就看你自己的实力了- - 多读读文章,培养下语感的话还是比较容易知道该怎么改的
再问: 嗯,多谢了~~~