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Hidden passengers traveling in ships, trams, or even cars ca

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 05:55:41

Hidden passengers traveling in ships, trams, or even cars can be a terrible trouble— especially when they are insects. As for this, there is a great ___36___ between human beings; and insects. The former ___37___ every possible effort to avoid being discovered, while the latter quickly ___38___ attention to themselves.
We can only show mercy to the ___39___ man who had to slop his car soon after ___40___ from a country village to drive to London. Hearing a strange noise from the ___41___of the car, he naturally got out to ___42___ the wheels carefully, but he found nothing wrong, so he ___43___ his way. Again the noise began, ___44___ and became even louder. Quickly ___45___ his head, the man saw what appeared to be a great ___46___ cloud following the car. When he stopped at a village further on, he was told that a queen bee must be hidden in his car as there were thousands of bees ___47___.
On learning this, the man drove away .as quickly as possible. After an hour’s ___48___ driving, he arrived safely in London, where he parked his car outside a ___49___ and went in- It was not long ___50___ a customer who had seen him arrive ___51___ in to inform him that his car was ___52___ with bees. The poor driver was ___53___ that the best way should be to call a ___54___. In a short time the man arrived. He found the unwelcome passenger hidden near the wheels at the back. of the car. Very thankful to the driver for this ___55___ gift, the bee-keeper took the queen and her thousand of followers home in a large box.
36. A. connection   B. difference  C. communication D. similarity
37. A, doB. take   C. make D. try
38. A. give     B. keep     C. pay      D. draw
39. A. unfortunate  B. careless     C. unpleasant D. hopeless
40. A. passing by   B. leaving out   C. setting out    D. getting up
41. A. front    B. back     C. left      D. right
42. A. clean    B. change      C. test      D. examine
43. A. drove   B. continued C. pushed    D. forced
44. A. normally     B. gentlyC. actually     D. immediately
45. A. hiding  B. turning      C. shaking     D. raising
46. A. black    B. beautiful   C. white D. colorful
47. A. below   B. ahead C. nearby      D. behind
48. A. boring  B. careful      C. exciting     D. hard
49. A. hotel    B. museum    C. hospital     D. school
50. A. when    B. after  C. until  D. before
51. A. broke   B. moved      C. hurried      D. dropped
52. A. crowded      B. covered     C. filled D. equipped
53. A. advised B. required    C. ordered     D. requested
54. A. bee-keeper B. policeman    C. waiterD. repairman
55. A. unfamiliar   B. unknown   C. unexpectedD. uncertain

36---55        BCDAC   BDBDB   ACDAD   CBAAC        

36. B。这里指的是人与昆虫的区别,注意下文提到的the former(前者)和the latter(后者)是在对两者的不同作比较。
37. C。根据常识可知,偷乘车辆或船只的人通常都会尽量不让人发现。make effort to do sth 固定词组,“尽力做做某事”,make every possible effort to do sth 的意思是“尽一切可能做某事”
38. D。句中的while 表对比。前面说偷乘车辆或船只的人通常都会尽量不让人发现,而“偷”乘车辆或船只的昆虫则不同,怎么个不同?那就是它们会draw attention (引起注意)。
39. A。根据下文可知,这个人很不走运。
40. C。指从一个山村出发去伦敦。比较:set out 出发,动身;pass by从……旁经过;leave out 遗漏,漏掉;get up起床。
41. B。根据文章最后一段倒数第2句He found the unwelcome passenger hidden near the wheels at the back. of the car 可知,此处应填 back。
42. D。指司机听到从车后面传来有奇怪的声音,所以他就下车来检查(examine)一下,看是什么原因。
43. B。既然通过检查没有发现什么问题,所以他就继续(continue)赶路。
44. D。比较:immediately 立即,马上;normally 正常地;gently轻柔地;actually实际上。由于是一种奇怪的声音,并且他几次下车查看,说明这种声音不算normally;又由于后面说…became even louder,说明它不gently;actually 在此不合语境。故选D,指车一开动,又马上出现了那种声音。
45. B。由于声音是从后面传来的,所以当司机再一次听到这种声音时,他马上回过头来看。比较:turn one’s head 转头,调头;hide one’s head 藏起某人的头;shake one’s head 摇头;raise one’s head 抬起头。
46. A。根据下文可知,跟在车后的是一群蜜蜂,作者把它形容成一团乌云,故用black。
47. C。根据上下文语境可知,这群蜜蜂不是在车底,不是在附近,也不是前面,而是在车后面。
48. D。司机尽量把车开快希望能甩掉其后的蜜蜂,这样的的驾驶肯定很hard。
49. A。根据下文提到a customer 可排除B、C、D。
50. D。It was not long before... 是固定句型,其意为“不久以后”。
51. C。因为这位看见他停车的顾客发现他的车上满是蜜蜂,所以就匆忙匆忙(hurried)进来告诉他。
52. B。比较:be crowded with 挤满了……;be covered with 被……所覆盖;be filled with装满……;be equipped with 由……所装备。根据语境,只有B较合适。
53. A。advise sb that… 意为“建议某人……”,此处用的是该结构的被动式,其意为“有人建议他……”。
54. A。要对付这批蜜蜂,显然只有bee-keeper(养蜂人)最合适。。
55. C。比较:unexpected 想不到的,未预料到;unfamiliar 不熟悉的;unknown不知道的;uncertain不确定的。对于一个bee-keeper 来说,突然得到这么多蜜蜂,当然属于 unexpected了。