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一篇大概初二的首字母填空 定当感激不尽

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/14 03:24:41
一篇大概初二的首字母填空 定当感激不尽
there's a man who took his wife to see th movies .that day was a sunday and it was very c____ .and everyone was in line to buy the t____ .so he and his wife were also inthe queue ,sweating and w____ anxiously .suddenly ,someone just p____ him from behind .he was so angry.
he said,"are you s___ ,man?"the man that stood behind him was a world champion boxer .so he looked at him and said ,"yes ,serious ,so w____ "the man was small and skinny .
he looked back ,really looked at him now ,s___ him ,he saw his arm muscles ,just bigger than his w____ body put together .so ,he just kind of s___ and said
"it's all right ,i h___ people who are not serious."
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