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英语翻译He had new ones enough—was surrounded with them for inst

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/06 04:59:06
He had new ones enough—was surrounded with them for instance on the stage of the other house; as a new one he probably wouldn’t have so much as noticed her.He would have liked to invent something,get her to make-believe with him that some passage of a romantic or critical kind had originally occurred.He was really almost reaching out in imagination—as against time—for something that would do,and saying to himself that if it didn’t come this sketch of a fresh start would show for quite awkwardly bungled.They would separate,and now for no second or no third chance.They would have tried and not succeeded.Then it was,just at the turn,as he afterwards made it out to himself,that,everything else failing,she herself decided to take up the case and,as it were,save the situation.He felt as soon as she spoke that she had been consciously keeping back what she said and hoping to get on without it; a scruple in her that immensely touched him when,by the end of three or four minutes more,he was able to measure it.What she brought out,at any rate,quite cleared the air and supplied the link—the link it was so odd he should frivolously have managed to lose.
ps:看了还是晕的 复杂的情节啊