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翻译短文A folk tale is a very old sttory that has been passed do

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/17 21:10:30
A folk tale is a very old sttory that has been passed doen from one family to another,from one generation to another. These old stories are often called fairy stories because so many of them are about fairies .Every country has its own folk tales and its own way of telling fairy stories.
In Germany,there lived two brothers,the Grimm brothers.They collected folk tales.We know these stories as "Grimm's Fairy Tales".
Many of the tales told aboutthe countries near Gremany where they lived.Some of them were partly ture.
The Grimm brothers did not really write the sttories for boys and girls.They planned them for older people living in Germany.So whenthe children heard the storied,they wanted to hear them again and again.
All of this happened long ,long ago, but boys and girls everywhere still read and enjoy Grimm's tales.
所有的这些发生在很久很久以前,但是每个地方的少男少女们仍旧在阅读并且享受故事中的乐趣 。