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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/13 18:27:56
1、写一篇约80词的短文,描述你经历过的一件事。 谢谢老师!可不可以尽量快一点?急急急!!!!!
解题思路: 如下
An unforgettable experience
Everyone has some unforgettable experiences. Let me tell you something about me. I was out for a walk one day when I came to a gate in a fence. “I wonder,” I said to myself, “where this leads to.” Immediately I went through it, I came face to face with a very fierce-looking dog. It made me nervous. “Does your dog bite?” I asked the boy who was standing beside the dog. “No, it doesn’t,”he replied. I learned forward to pat the dog on the head. “Nice doggie,” I said. But the dog immediately jumped to me and, so I ran for safety towards a tree, it ran after me, growling, and tore a piece of cloth of my coat. “I thought you said your dog didn’t bite,” I said to the boy as I hung from a barnch of the tree. “That’s right,” he replied. “It doesn’t. But this is not my dog.”. 难忘的经历 每个人都有一些难忘的经历。让我给你们讲述我的经历吧。 一天,我出去散步,走到一个栅栏门前时,我自言自语地猜测着:“我想知道,这会通向哪里?”我一进去,迎面就遇到一只长相凶恶的狗,它让我感到紧张。 “你的狗咬人吗?”我问站在狗旁边的男孩儿。“不,它不咬人。”他回答说。我俯身向前去拍它的头,“真是一只漂亮的狗。”我说。但它却立即向我扑来。我立刻跑向一棵树以求躲避,它却在我后面追来,狂吠着,并把我的衣服撕下了一块。“我想你说过你的狗不咬人。”我吊在一个树枝上,对那个男孩儿说道。“是的,”他回答说,“它是不咬人。但这不是我的狗。”