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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/13 21:51:01
everything is possible
People say that no one can change destiny and that it is foolish to fight destiny.But this is not right.
I have seen people who from very backward and poor families who worked hard and managed to qualify in national examinations like the college entrance exam.So I think we can change our destiny with hard work.It is only with hard work that we can unlock the door of success.Thus EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE if you try your best.
However,there are people who discourage us and say that they have done a lot of work but not been successful.The reason is we need to have the key to unlock the door to success and for that we need to know where the key is.We should try and find that key and not stop until we have found it.
In a nutshell,when there is a will,there is a way,EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE!
再问: 是以一切皆有可能为题的约一百字的英语演讲稿,谢了
再答: People say that no one can change destiny and that it is foolish to fight destiny. But this is not right.

I have seen people from very backward and poor families who worked hard and managed to qualify in national examinations like the college entrance exam. So I think we can change our destiny with hard work. It is only with hard work that we can unlock the door of success. Thus EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE if you try your best.

However, there are people who discourage us and say that they have done a lot of work but not been successful. The reason is we need to have the key to unlock the door to success and for that we need to know where the key is. We should try and find that key and not stop until we have found it.

In a nutshell, when there is a will, there is a way, EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE!

再问: 还有没有一句话不用这么宾语从句的,中等的稿
再问: 谢谢你
再答: 你几年级的,什么程度
再问: 一句话用一个语法就够了
再问: 大一的
再问: 我们要大学要举行一场一分钟的演讲
再问: 我英语还可已
再问: 关键是要背着感觉顺溜点的
再问: 最好有开场白的
再问: 最好一句话不要太长
再问: 最好适和学生演讲的
再答: OK

there's an old english saying "nothing is impossible"
and another english saying "when there is a will there is a way"

so althong people cannot choose their fate, they can fight aganit it.
numeroius life examples tells us everything is possible,
disables without arms tried to use their feet
students from poor and backward familly studied hard and became scientists

so god helps those who helps themselves, everything is possible if you try your best

再问: 还有没有中等一点的,,有点说明性的,
再问: 你多给我找一些吧,我从中选择
再答: 额,你就说你自己的事不就行了, 你活了这么多年肯定见过神马奇葩的事


Today I asked someone to write me an essay on BAIDU ZHiDao,
althongh I gave no rewards and asked him to write again and again,
he still kept replying me
what a SB in the world he is,
so Everything is possible
再问: 是啊
再答: 知道了就采纳之
再问: 有没有好背一些的