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英语翻译Up until the early sixties linguistics had been characte

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 10:45:32
Up until the early sixties linguistics had been characterized by largely descriptive research in whice individual grammars were detailed but not compared,and thus of little theoretical value to translators.The simultaneous development of two theoreties of grammar significantly altered the course of translation theory ,and these theories remain very influential today .The culmination of the evolving may be represented by others .for example:Noam Chomsky and Nide .
Despite claims to the contrary ,theory crystallized with the addition of Chomsky taanslational component—Nide read syntactic structures in mimeograph form two years befores it was published .with the adoption of Chomsky theoretical premise,his transformational rules ,and his terminology,not just become the bile not just for bible translation ,but for translation theory in general .
Domestication has been one fundamental strategy in dealing with the cultural factors in the process of translating,with its opposite as foreignization.According to Dictionary of Translation Studies.published in England,“domesticating translation”(domestication) and “foreignizing translation”(foreignization),the two terminologies used by Lawrence Venuti in 1995,directly originated from the German thinker Schleiermacher’s speech “On the Different Methods of Translating” in 1813.In his opinion,“There are only two methods of translating,either the translator does not bother the original author and leads the reader to approach the author or the translator tries not to bother the reader and leads the origi--nal author to approach the reader.” Domestication refers to the translation strategy in which a transparent,fluent style is adopted in order to minimize the strangeness of the foreign text for target language readers,while foreignization designates the type of translation in which a target text deliberately breaks targetconventions by retaining something of the foreignness of the “original” Venuti,an Italian American translation theorist,defines foreignization as “an ethno deviant pressure on those values to register the linguistic and cultural difference of the foreign text,sending the readers abroad”,and domestication as “an ethnocentric reduction of the foreign text to target-language cultural values,bringing the author of the source language into the target language culture”.
直到60年代初,主要特点是语言学研究whice描述详尽,但被个别文法 没有可比性,从而为理论价值不大translators.the同步发展大大改变了两个theoreties语法过程 翻译理论,这些理论今天仍然很有影响.经过演变均可由他人.答 例如:乔姆斯基和氰化.尽管声称相反,乔姆斯基的理论结晶,与另外taanslational组件氰化经过句法结构油印形式 这两年befores出版.随着通过乔姆斯基理论前提下,他的转换规则,和他的术语,不仅成为 胆汁不仅圣经翻译,但翻译一般理论.驯化已基本策略之一在处理过程中翻译的文化因素,与其相反,作为异化.据英格兰studies.published翻译字典"驯化翻译"(驯化)和"异化"(异化) 两个用语用劳伦斯•韦努蒂1995年 直接源自德国思想家莱尔马赫的讲话"的翻译方法不同",在1813年.他认为,"现在只有两个方法,编译、 要么原译者并不理会作者和带领读者向作者或译者 不要理会,试图带领读者和原有--莱利作者向读者."驯化是指翻译 其中一个透明的策略,行文采用以减少对国外陌生的语言文字为目标读者 而异化翻译类中指定对象文故意有所保留的休息targetconventions 外地人的"原始"•韦努蒂,意大利美国翻译理论家,异化定义为"民族的价值观偏差的压力登记的外国语言和文化差异 文送国外读者"、驯化作为"种族文本对象减少外国语言文化价值观,作者把源语到目标语的文化".