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英语翻译"And the lesson of that is,'Be what you would seem to be

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 23:50:10
"And the lesson of that is,'Be what you would seem to be' or to say it simply,'Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you have been would have appeared to them to be otherwise.'"
最好能给讲解一下里面语法关系和修饰关系。我最搞不懂的是最后的would have been appeared to them to be otherwise 甚至不知道谁这个主谓结构的主语。
我认为内个长难句是应该这样断句的'Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise /than what it might appear to others/ that what you were or might have been /was not otherwise than what you have been /would have appeared to them to be otherwise.这件事给我们的教训是成为将来可能的你.或者简单点来说,不要再像以前的你,同时,永远不要设想你自己只能是从前表现给别人的样子,就算你可能已经在别人心里有了那样的印象.这样才会给他们表现出另行的你.这是我语意疏通下来的结果,倒是没有什么难的语法问题,就是长句子的结构疏通吧.多琢磨几遍.