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初三英语作文 .最好不要有错误.一般过去式.

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 23:53:19
初三英语作文 .最好不要有错误.一般过去式.
假定你是Tom ,你按Kate约定的时间地点与她见面后去医院看望Mr Wang你们告诉他在考试中发挥很好,他很高兴,Mr wang祝愿你们暑假生活愉快.并希望你们继续努力学习,你们交谈了半个小时后离开医院.以日记的形式写下来.
Thursday, May 16th Sunny
I met Kate at the gate of the hospital at about eight o'clock this morning. Mr Wang was ill in hospital. We went to see him with some flowers. Mr Wang was happy to see us. We told him that we all did well in the exam. Mr Wang said he was happy to hear that.He hoped that we would have a good summer holiday. And he told us to keep on studying hard and getting on well with our lessons. We talked happily for about half an hour. It was nearly half past ten. We said goodbye to Mr Wang and left the hospital.
再问: 呵呵 、这篇正好是老师给的例文。能否给原创的 ?
再答: 你先采纳,我再写好给你发过去行吗?结对诚信。加我QQ738527425权限问题答案: 为有源头活水来。