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moment of inertia

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 05:57:59
moment of inertia
A puck of mass 79.1 g and radius 4.45 cm slides along an air table at a speed of v = 1.47 m/s,as shown in the figure below.It makes a glancing collision with a second puck of radius 6.92 cm and mass 140 g (initially at rest) such that their rims just touch.The pucks stick together and spin after the collision (b).What is the angular momentum of the system relative to the center of mass?What is the angular velocity about the center of mass?
球的大规模外部g和半径达44.5厘米空气桌子上滑步的v =速度1.47米/秒,显示在下面的图表.它使称在第二个球碰撞的半径6.92厘米和大众140克(出生后的休息),这样他们的钢圈只是摸.圆盘的粘在一起的碰撞和旋转(b).角动量是什么系统的质心相对于吗?什么是角速度中心左右质量呢?