作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/16 15:52:27
解题思路: 首先要牢固掌握这些基本知识。
1、ask sb. for sth.
2、ask/tell sb. (how) to do sth.
3、ask/tell sb. not to do sth.
4、be afraid of doing sth./ that…
5. be busy doing sth.
6. be famous/ late/ ready/ sorry for…
10. be glad that…
11. buy/ give/ show/ bring/ lend/ send/ pass/ tell…sth to sb.
12.buy/ give/ show/ send/ pass/ bring/ lend/ tell sb. sth.
13. either …or… .
14.enjoy/ hate/ like/ finish/ stop/ mind/ keep/ go on doing sth. 例:I enjoy listening to music.
15. find it+adj.to do sth.
16.get +比较级
17. get ready for/ get sth. ready
18. had better (not) do sth.
19. help sb. (to) do / help sb. with…
20. I don’t think that…
21. I would like to/ Would you like to..?
22. is one of the +最高级+名词复数
23. It is +adj. for sb. to do sth.
24. It is a good idea to do sth.
25. It is the second +最高级+名词
26. It looks like…/ It sounds like…
27. It seems to sb. that…
28. It sounds +adj./ It looks+adj.
29. It takes sb. some time to do sth.
30. It’s bad/ good for …
31. It’s time for…/ to do sth.
32. It’s two meters(years)long (high, old)
33. keep sb. doing sth.
34. like to do / like doing sth
35. keep/ make sth. +adj.
36. make / let sb. (not) do sth.
37. neither…nor…
38. not…at all
39. not…until…
40. One…the other…/ Some ….others…
41. prefer …to…
42. see/hear sb. do(doing) sth.
43. so …that…
44. spend… on/ (in) doing sth.
45. stop to do/ stop doing sth.
46. such a (an)+adj. +n. that…
47. take/bring sth. with sb.
48. thank sb. for sth.
49. The more…the more…
50. There is something wrong with…
51. too…to…
52. used to…
53. What about/ How about…?
54. What’s the matter with…?
55. What’s wrong with…?
56. Why not…?
57. Will( Would, Could) you please…?
58. take part in
59. do the laundry
60. do chores.