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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 21:07:44
It was the peak night for the 英仙座流星雨爆发. I sat in the backyard with the children.'There's one!'Seth,the oldest cried.'I missed it!' I said. 'There's another one!' Josh cried. 'I saw it!' Ginny and I said together. The youngest, Benny , sat in a chair beside me . 'Are you watching ,Ben?' I asked . ' Yes . ' 'Did you see that last one ? ' 'NO ! He said ,' I missed it . ' "Guys , you have to focus(集中),these things happens fast . If you don't focus , you 'll miss them .' Later that night ,I stood by the windows ahd though .The flashes of light were gone in 一眨眼. I asked myself , 'Mike, how mang of life's meteors have you missed because you weren't paying attention ?' How many times have I come home from work ahd missed those 'daddy's home smiles of my children ?Those little smiles are lost forever , as I walk right by them .how many chance have I missed to praise my wife or my children ? I made a decision that night to pay more attention to those around me as they're gone in a flash(转瞬即逝)老帮我翻译一下!!!
解题思路: 如下
英仙座流星雨爆发的时候是子夜. 我和孩子们坐在后院。“有一个”最大的孩子Seth说。“我没看见”我说。“又有一个 ”Josh大喊。“我看见了”Ginny 和 我同时说。最小的孩子 Benny 坐在我后面的椅子上。我问“你在看吗?Ben?”“是的。”“你看见最后一个了吗?” “没有”他说“我错过了”。 “小家伙们,你们得留心,这些东西转瞬即逝,如果你们不留心,你们就会错过他们。”那晚深夜,我站在窗边沉思。流星一眨眼就消失。我问我自己“Mike, 因为你不留心,一生中你错过了多少流星了呢?”多少次我下班回家错过了孩子们的笑容? 那些可爱的笑容永远的消失了,而我正好从他们身边经过。我错过了多少次机会去赞美我的妻子和我的孩子们?