作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/20 04:31:57
1.In summertravelers wear theirs______because of the bright sunshine
2.Today young people listen to W_________
3.My friend is musical.He is good at playing the g_____
4.When you are ill,you should take p______on time
5.It's great that r_______do all the work for us
6.If you go camping,you should take a t_______with you
7.Fishing n_______is useless on the moon
8.Last summer holiday I went to Beijing and I took lots of photos with my c_____
1.In summer travelers wear theirs_unglasses because of the bright sunshine.
2.Today young people listen to Web_________
3.My friend is a musical.He is good at playing the g_uitar___
4.When you are ill,you should take p__ills____on time
5.It's great that r_obots______do all the work for us
6.If you go camping,you should take a t_ent______with you
7.Fishing n_et______is useless on the moon
8.Last summer holiday I went to Beijing and I took lots of photos with my cemra_____

重点单词 机器人 n. robot 片剂,药片n. pill 网,网络 n. net 吉他 n. guitar 太阳镜 n. sunglasses21世纪教育网 帐篷 n. tent 储藏,存储 v. store 表面n. surface 干缩的,干的adj. dried 想象,设想v. imagine 拥挤的adj. crowded 被污染的adj. polluted 可以指望;怀希望地adv. hopefully 宇宙飞船n. spacecraft 航天飞机n. space shuttle 人;人的n. & adj. human 发展v. develop 移居者n. settler 流行的,时髦的adj. fashionable 各种各样的,不同的adj. various