作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 05:13:27
一.翻译下列定语从句 (1)我想找一个精通电脑的年轻人。 (2)人人都想和那些能与人和睦相处的人交朋友。 (3)我一定要找到那些把我从废墟中救出来的人并向他们当面致谢。 (4)我们一定要好好照顾那些在地震中失去父母的孩子。 (5)伟人就是那些全心全意为人类服务的人。 (6)我非常珍惜我爸爸送我的那只钢笔。 (7)我会永远记得我们一起度过的那些日子。 (8)我非常怀念我与之度过童年的朋友。
解题思路: 见解答过程
1. I want to find a young person who are expert at computer.
2. Everyone wants to make friends with those who are easy to get along with.
3. I must find those who rescued me from the ruins and say thanks to them.
4. We must take good care of those children who have lost their parents in the earthquake.
5. Great people are those who serve the people with heart and soul.
6. I much value the pen that my father gave to me.
7. I will remember the days that we spent together.
8. I cherish my friend who spent my childhood with me together.