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单词填空1.Tina is little w_______ in science,but sheis good at C

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/13 17:17:41
1.Tina is little w_______ in science,but sheis good at Chinese and English.
2.---Dose this piece of m_______sound nice?--Yes,It's wonderful!
3.The little girl comes from Tokyo.She is a f________girl.
4.I'll help you if you have any p_____with your English.
5.--What's the b_____hours of that supermarket?---8:30a.m.----9:30p.m.
6.----I h________go to bed befor midnight.--Ithink that's too late and it's not good for your health.不会的别乱说,
1 weak
be weak in 在某方面差
2 music
3 friendly 友好的
4 problems 问题
5 between
6 hardly 几乎不