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be good for造句

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/29 21:55:56
be good for造句
e good for
举例:1.What was good enough for our predecessors can never be good for us,because we live in different conditions and are different people.适合前人的东西决不会再适合我们,因为环境变了,人也不同了.2.It’s good for me to have to deal with all these changes.It’s going to be good for me to have the baby and have fat and then have to get rid of it.对待这些变化对我是有益的,有了孩子而且身体变胖然后又得减肥,这将是非同寻常的.”3.A good fight with your spouse could be good for the health,a new study has found.一项最新研究发现,夫妻双方在必要的时候斗斗嘴有益于身体健康.4.No man is so good but there is a flaw in him,nor so bad as to be good for nothing.人再好,也不会毫无缺点;再坏,也不会一无是处.5.In such a low interest-rate environment,it may still be good for investors to consider in-vesting some money in bonds because they will be able to achieve a higher return than cash deposits.在这样的低利率环境下,投资者可以考虑把一些资金投资在债券,因为他将能取得比现金存款高的回报.