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英语翻译Conditions for journalism have never been better:robust

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/13 16:19:55
Conditions for journalism have never been better:robust media profits,strong legal protections and sophisticated technology.Yet ther is an influential movement,representing the consensus of the profession's elite,dedicated to convincing us that all is not well.Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel,arguably the two most prominent media critics in America,are the go-to people if you need a quotation lamenting the sensationalism of television newscasts or other media ills.Their recent book the elements of journalism suggests that unless a certain "theory of news"is adhered to,the United States might be annihilated.Such factually uncluttered hyperbole does not merely invite a certain awe but also quite plausibly violates their number one axiom:"journalism's first obligation is to the truth."
对新闻的条件从来没有这样好过:利润强大的媒体,强有力的法律保障和尖端技术.然而,有一个有影响力的运动,代表了行业的精英共识,致力于说服我们,但都不是很好.Bill Kovach 和Tom Rosenstiel,可以说是美国两个最突出的媒体批评,如果你需要一个报价感叹的电视新闻节目或其他媒体耸人听闻的弊病,他们是值得信赖的人.他们最近新闻书的内容建议,除非坚持一定的“新闻理论”,否则美国可能会被毁灭这样夸张的事实不仅仅会带来敬畏,也相当振振有词地违反了他们的头号公理:“新闻的首要义务是真理.”