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(已有答案)11.(B)---what does this passage mainly talk about?----

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/09 07:46:50
11.(B)---what does this passage mainly talk about?
----It is about how people___global warming.
A.fight over B.fight against C.fight for D.fight with
12.(D)----_____do you think of this meeting?
-----Very important.I'm taking notes___it.
A.How;on B.What;with
C.How; from D.What; about
13.(C)---Can you help me____a cup of coffee?
---Sorry,my job doesn't____making coffee.
A.to make; includes B.to make;to include
C.make;include D.make;including
11.A选项fight over是为了“事情”争吵,
B选项fight against: 对抗...
C选项fight for是为 ... 而战, 争取
D选项fight with: 为反对.而战
而题目意思是 -这篇文章主要说的是什么
12.what 与 think of连用,意思是你认为什么怎么样.如果how的提问应该是:how do you like才对
因此排除A和C. take notes about sth.做关于某物的笔记.故选D
13.首先help的句型是help sb.(to) do sth. 因此不能做出选择.看下文的doesn't后面应该接动词原形 A.B.D都不符合.因此选C
我也是初中生. 学妹或者学弟加油吧.