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英语好的进来 英语阅读理解

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 11:13:09
英语好的进来 英语阅读理解
If there is one main characteristic of the modern world that makes our lives different from our grandparents,it is probably speed.We are always on the move,and we don’t have much patience with slow systems of transportation.We want to get there,and we want to do it fast!Carmakers,airline owners,and the planners of mass transit systems all share a common goal.They are all trying to provide us with faster and faster ways to reach our destinations.
Nevertheless,many of us actually want to slow down.Although we complain when our plane isn’t on schedule or when we have to wait in a traffic jam,we also complain about always being in a hurry.Every once in a while,we hear the sound of a train whistle --- clear and high in the night air --- and we feel sad.There is a strong sense of nostalgia for other places and other times,when life was slower and,perhaps,better.
Why does a train whistle bring on a feeling of nostalgia?Perhaps it’s because many of us remember a favorite novel or movie that took place on a train,and the story told of danger and excitement.There’s a sense of romance about a train that simply doesn’t exist on a modern jet plane.Several railroad companies are taking advantage of the nostalgia for train travel:They are offering unique tours for travelers who aren’t in a hurry and who enjoy the romance of the past.
1 .What does the writer think of the modern travel?
2.What do we want to do?
3.What does the word “nostalgia” mean?
1. We are always on the move, and we don’t have much patience with slow systems of transportation. We want to get there, and we want to do it fast!We are all trying to provide us with faster and faster ways to reach our destinations.(第一段,第二句)
2.use the nostalgia for train travel(最后一段,倒数第二行)
3.(nostalgia:对往事的怀恋;怀旧)Perhaps it’s because many of us remember a favorite novel or movie that took place on a train, and the story told of danger and excitement.(最后一段,第二句)