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什么是Post Doctoral Associate?

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/16 14:32:31
什么是Post Doctoral Associate?
Post Doctoral Associate是指由博士后组成的研究型组织,类似于国内的博士后流动站,但二者又不全同.其英文解释如下:
The Postdoctoral Association of a certain university is a group of postdocs who are interested in postdoctoral issues at the university.Also,the members are volunteers who are currently postdoctoral associates at this university.
A postdoctoral associate position allows graduate students the opportunity to deepen their scholarly experience.By conducting academic or scholarly research,a postdoctoral associate develops expertise in a specific subject,including required skills and methods.This research contributes to the educational mission of a university or a host institution,and is expected to be published in relevant publications.