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英语翻译I have never seen that beast with his snout bearing a pa

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/17 09:49:06
I have never seen that beast
with his snout bearing a pagoda
and his eyes like little fragments
and his haunches carrying hills
with them.His teeth,I have read,
are monuments,and his heart colder
than a key in winter
though he sweats from pores round as goblets
full of swamps.
The white hunters have killed him
a thousand times over.
I think of myself walking toward him
and preaching a love of creatures,
leaves in my palm,or a loaf of sugar,
and his great horn still,
the knees waiting,
and between us,like birds,
a twittering hope,
or merely the pause
between monster and monster.
I have never seen that beast 我从没见过那只野兽
with his snout bearing a pagoda他顶着像宝塔一样巨大的鼻子
and his eyes like little fragments 他的双眸像细小的碎片
and his haunches carrying hills 他臀部和腿部的肉像小山一样被驮着
with them.His teeth,I have read,我读过他的像纪念碑一样的牙齿
are monuments,and his heart colder 他的心
than a key in winter 比冬日里的钥匙还冰冷
though he sweats from pores round as goblets 尽管从他毛孔里渗出的汗珠
full of swamps.像高脚杯里盛满的湿地
The white hunters have killed him
a thousand times over.狡猾的猎人上千次试图杀死他
I think of myself walking toward him 我想我渴望走近他
and preaching a love of creatures,并为世界上所有生物的爱宣誓
leaves in my palm,or a loaf of sugar,秋日的落叶落在我的手心里,如支离破碎的糖块儿
and his great horn still,他那巨大的号角依旧屹立在头顶
the knees waiting,他双膝跪地等待着我
and between us,like birds,希望我们俩像鸟儿一样
a twittering hope,像鸟儿一样嘁嘁喳喳地说话
or merely the pause 我渴望自己化身为野兽
between monster and monster.时间为我们的相遇停顿