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英语翻译Achilles-tendon-tears mostly involve the middle third of

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/29 20:39:33
Achilles-tendon-tears mostly involve the middle third of the Achilles- tendon.They mostly occur in youth,due to direct traumas,or in the fifth decade,due to degeneration and overload.The rupture can easily be diagnosed by clinical findings:The patient has to set down on his arms and knees,his feet hanging over the edge of a table.Now,the calf muscles must be pinched on both sides (Thomson-pinch-test).The injured side then will not show plantar flexion of the foot while the foot of the healthy side will move normally
Rupture of the ulnar collateral ligament of the thumb
This lesion is often seen in sports,especially in skiing.The rupture affects the ulnar collateral ligament of the meta-carpo-phalangeal joint and leads to a severe weakness of the thumb.It can also be i evident by stressradiograms and MRT.That injury should always be operated.Conservative treatment is not able to restore sufficient joint-stability.
Fractures in Sports
First we should distinguish between closed and compound fractures.Then several different fracture-types can also be distinguished (Table:“Fracture types”).
Fracture types:
> cross fracture
> transverse fracture
> spiral fracture
> comminuted fracture
> compound fracture
copyright Prof.Dr.van laack,Aachen,Germany
In non-matured young patients another special type of closed-fracture can be seen:the greenstick-fracture,which shows an intact periostal membrane,although the bone itself is broken.Here,conservative treatment is recommended.First aid on fractures always means to avoid motion,but on the other hand,it does not mean to immobilize the fractured limb actively.
If a fracture is obvious,the limb should be immobilized by fixing (keeping) it in his momentary position,and all possible forces should be prevented.Active immobilization,such as achieved by special braces,should be done by the doctor!The investigation of sufficient blood- and nerve-supply in the area distal of the fracture,must be -performed first.X-rays must always be taken in at least two planes,a fracture can be overseen otherwise.
In case of having a child with a fractured limb,both complementary sides must be investigated by x-rays,due to possible misinterpretation of epiphyseal plates otherwise.Many fractures can be sufficiently managed conservatively.Some rules help to decide,whether surgical intervention is required or conservative treatment can be recommended (Table:“Decisive aspects for surgical fracture treatment”).
Dr.med.Walter van Laack
Achilles-tendon-tears 主要包含中间他们主要在青春发生的 第3 跟腱,或在 第5 十年,由于直接的损伤,或在 第5 十年,由于退化并且过载破裂能容易被临床的调查结果诊断:病人必须在在他的手臂和膝上下面设定,他的现在在一张桌子的边上挂的脚,小牛肌肉必须在双方上被拧( Thomso n-pinch-test ).当健康的方面的英尺将通常移动姆指的尺骨的并行的系带的破裂时,受伤的方面将然后不显示出英尺的脚底的屈曲这 lesi 开经常是在运动看,在滑雪特别破裂影响 meta-carpo-phalangeal 关节的尺骨的并行的系带并且导致姆指的严重的软弱它能也是我 evi 由 stressradiograms 和损害应该总是是的 MRT 的凹部操作了保守的处理不能在运动第一恢复足够的joint-stability.破裂我们应该区分 b 关上的 etween 和化合物断裂然后若干不同的破裂类型能也被区分(桌子:骨折打”的“).骨折打:>生气的骨折>横向的骨折> spir al 破裂>弄碎的破裂>复合的破裂版权教授医生货车 laack ,Aachen ,在关上破裂的另外的特殊的类型能被看见的成熟非的年轻的病人的德国:gree nstick破裂,它显示出未经触动的 periostal 膜,尽管骨头自己这里被打破,保守的治疗被推荐在破裂上的急救总是想避免运动,但是在上另外的手,如果破裂是显然的,它不活跃地想使折断的手足不能调动,手足应该被修理使不能调动(坚持)它在他的片刻的位置,并且所有的 possibl e 力量应该被阻止活跃的 immobilization ,例如由特殊的背带完成了,应该被医生做!足够的血的调查--并且在远侧的区域的神经供应破裂,必须是-施行了第一X光检查必须总是在至少 2 架飞机被拿,破裂能不那样在与折断的手足有一个孩子的情况下是 overseen ,都补足的 sid es 必须被X射线调查,不那样由于 epiphyseal 板的可能的 misinterpretation 许多破裂能是足够地保守地设法了一些规则帮助决定,是否 surgi cal 干预被要求或保守的治疗能被推荐(桌子:“为外科的骨折治疗”的明确的方面).医生med.华尔特货车 Laack