作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/29 20:38:32
行人闯红灯危害妨碍交通影响车辆正常运行;容易引发事故危及他人和自身安全;会产生负面影响不利于良好社会风气形成.对行人闯红灯处罚批评教育让其意识到闯红灯危害性;当场给予警告并罚款;通知单位,公开曝光 翻译简单点还俩词endanger fine
Acrossing the street when the traffic light is red would interfer with normal traffic and the passing of vehicles,and it will cause traffic accident and endanger himself and other people's safety.It will also bring out bad social habits.Penelties and education towards people who cross street when the traffic light is red should let the offender know the danger of doing so.The person should be warned and fined,and his company should be notified,and his identity should be made public.