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批改我的英语作文对于某一不良饮食习惯的看法Nowadays,more and more children prefer

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/29 20:36:47
Nowadays,more and more children prefer eating meat better than eating green vegetables.They think meat is declivous and vegetables taste terrible.Sally,a fifteen year old girl said” I need meat because it contains vitamins and minerals not found in vegetables.And vegetables can be dangerous.Lots of people are made ill because of the pesticides the farmers use on them.I like meat.”
However,it is not quiet right.Always eating meat can also be dangerous!People who eat a lot of meat will increase their risk of heart attacks.In addition,plenty of proteins can only find in vegetables.A lack of vegetables is a lack of proteins!
On the other hand,having too many vegetables is wrong,too.The reason is just like what Sally said.So scientists find a balanced diet is the best for our body during many research.And so do me.
Nowadays,more and more children prefer eating meat better than green vegetables.第二个eating太多余了.
a fifteen year old 应为 a fifiteen-year-old;
And应该小写前面改成逗号,或者改成What's more,vagetables.
如果要用are made ill,后面最好用by,这句话最好说lots of people become ill because of ...
后面的on有点嫌疑..保险起见把on them 删掉吧.
即:What's more,vegetables can be dangerous since lots of people are become ill because of the pesticides the farmers use.So I like meat.z注意每个句子不要太独立,用点so这类的连接词,会比较连贯.
it is not quiet right..quiet应该是quite.这句话是病句,纯中国式英语...太绕了,直接说However,that's not right.
Always eating meat 也是中国式英语.always 表示的可能性特别大,接近百分之百.改为:eating meat too much can also be dangerous!
heart attacks表示心脏病发作,最好改成heart disease.我印象中plenty修饰不可数名词.can only find 改为can only be found.
A lack of vegetables is a lack of proteins.我觉得有点问题,但说不出问题在哪里,你可以查一下lack 的用法.
On the one hand...on the other hand 要配套使用,同时只适用于相反的两个方面(这点和多人不知道,会乱用)
and so do me不好,要用也是so do I