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All there's left to do is run.that is all there is to it.这两句

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/29 20:49:09
All there's left to do is run.that is all there is to it.这两句什么结构,
这两句为什么要这样写法?能否给我详细分析下?另外再问下What I mean is that we feel is the same这句是什么结构feel is这两个不都是动词,没见过这样的用法,也帮忙分晰下.thank you very much
“不定代词作主语”……至于What I mean is that we feel is the same,你确定这个没弄错么?应该是“what I mean is that our feel is the same”.是这样吧?