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求英语改正.The career,engineer is strongly relates to us.The engi

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/29 21:50:22
The career,engineer is strongly relates to us.The engineers involves a lot of fields,its type is varied also.The most common engineers we can see are structural engineer in building field,electronics engineer in the electronics field,software engineer in the computer field and flight engineer in the aircraft field.Similarly,among our parents is not lack of embarking on engineer.We can find that engineer is everywhere around us.Engineers have already become an essential part of the whole profession in the society.It promotes the development of society and economy,for humanity to create a better life.
Engineers are considerably impact on society.The scientist can study and discover the basic principle of the object,leading human to a new time.But how to practical use and implement thus principles are depend on the engineers.The problems always need to be solved by engineer.So we can see the foremost of engineers.To be more specific,for a mobile phone produce,engineers are attendance from design to marketing.In the produce,hardware and software engineer is responsible for the kernel design of the mobile phone.They decide the performance and configuration of this product.Moreover,engineers make the mobile smaller and smaller,the user guide interface become convenient and simplistic,avoid use the complicate operation.Also the attach function of mobile phone make it more powerful.Functions of camera and music player are arousing a new revolution of electronics.This is thanks largely to engineers.We just enjoy the fun and facility of the phone.Talk to the appearance of the mobile phone,mould engineers makes attracting outer skin.A good deal of consumer buys a mobile phone because of the eye-catching appearance.The consumer even though put away the practical applicability,replace by the eye-catching appearance.So the manufacturers are put more focus on the design of outer skin.Then some mobile phones has the same hardware configuration,but the outer skin has been change,also have a good market.Thus,the engineers’ power is so big.Then,sales engineer duty to management and planning of commodity regional sales of the produce.They understand their products’ advantages and disadvantages,persuading customers to use their own products.The sale engineers not only know a little technology but also realize the market trend and customer's psychology.Sale engineers create the huge sales for the products.
The career (of) engineer (实际要表达的是“工程师这个职业”,加of 意思更明确)
is strongly relate(s改d,被动语态) to us.
The engineers involve(去掉s,主语是复数) a lot of fields
its type is varied also. (太中文化,its type是把复数的engineers当成了不可数的the career of engineer来看;
also放在句尾,表示存在类似情况,“工程师遍布许多行业”和“工程师有多个种类”不属于类似情况,而是两种情况同时存在.在句子中间英文表示不同情况同时存在,可以用and 和 at the same time.
改:and have varied types“(工程师)具备很多种类”).
The most common engineers (we can see这一句,如果意思是“如我们所知”,不改变;如果意思是“我们日常所看见的”,就删掉,因为common本来就包含了“日常可见”的意思)
are structural engineer in (加 the ,特指一个行业,下文中也都加了) building field, electronics engineer in the electronics field, software engineer in the computer field and flight engineer in the aircraft field.
Similarly, among our parents is not lack of embarking on engineer. (实际要表达的是“同理,在我们的父母中,不缺乏做工程师的”,但语法直接不通,改:So it's possible that many of our parents are engineers. “所以,我们的父母有很多人是工程师,这种情况是可能的)
Engineers (are去掉,impact是动词)considerably impact on society. The scientist can study and discover the basic principle of the object, leading human to a new time.
But how to practical use and implement thus principles(实际要表达“但如何实际使用和实现这些原理”,语法啊……改: But how to make the principles true and practical“但怎样让这些原理成为现实的和实用的”)
(are去掉,depend是动词) depend(加s,主语不可数) on the engineers.
The problems always need to be solved by engineer.
So we can see the foremost of engineers.(前一句“问题总需要工程师来解决”,后一句“所以我们能看见工程师的最著名的”,看不出上下文的关联.想表达因为问题总需要工程师解决,“所以我们能见到这些著名的工程师”?从下文看来,是想表达“所以,我们能知道工程师是很重要的”,改:So we can see how important engineers are.)
To be more specific, for a mobile phone produce(实际要表达“以手机生产为例”,改:take the producing of mobile phones for example ),
engineers (are attendance去掉.attendance是名词.要表达“工程师从设计到销售都参与”,改:take part in every period “工程师参与每一个环节,从设计到销售”)from design to marketing.
In the (produce改producing,produce名词,偏重于产品,而不是生产过程,用producing动名词来表示生产过程),
hardware and software engineer(加s,形容词表示两个不同种类,名字应该复数) (is改are) responsible for the kernel design of the mobile phone. They decide the performance and configuration of this product.
Moreover, engineers make the mobile smaller and smaller,
the user guide interface become convenient and simplistic (前后两个分句间没有连词,根据句子意思是因果联系,所以分句前要加“so”;
整体改成:so the using becomes more convenient and simple),
(avoid use the complicate operation.这半句“避免了复杂操作”,语法有错,跟“操作更方便简单”意思又重复了,直接删吧.)
Also the attach function of mobile phone make it more powerful.(attach加ed,被动语态;function加s,功能可数.
句子强调手机功能更强大,而不是强调“功能是附加在手机上的”,所以“make it”这部分表达不明确,使谁?实际要表达“使手机”,而手机在前面又用过了.所以,改成:the attached functions make the mobile phone more powerful)
Functions of camera and music player are arousing(实际要表达“拍照和播放音乐的功能”而不是“照相机和音乐播放器所具有的功能”,两者是不等同的.
改成:Functions of taking photos and playing music aroused ) a new revolution of electronics.
This (is去掉,thank就是动词) thanks largely to engineers.
We just enjoy the fun and facility of the phone. (前一句“这很大程度得感谢工程师们”,后一句“我们只是享受电话的乐趣和功能”,实际后一句是为了衬托强调前一句,想表达“我们享受的这一切,都得感谢工程师们”,不如合并吧……累啊……
后一句改成:when we just enjoy...后面照抄)
(Talk to,实际想表达“说到手机的外观”,但talk to后面应该加谈话的对象,改成:About ) the appearance of the mobile phone,
mould engineers (makes去掉s,主语是复数) attracting outer (skin加s,因为做出来的外壳不只一种或一个).
A good deal of (consumer加s,因为前面是“很多的”,而且consumer可数)
(buys a mobile phone because of the eye-catching appearance.实际要表达“很多消费者是因为外观吸引人才买那个手机的”,原句意思表达不确切,改成:choose a mobile phone for its eye-catching appearance)
The consumer even though put away the practical applicability, replace by the eye-catching appearance. So the manufacturers are put more focus on the design of outer skin.(两句话的意思应该是,“由于消费者不关注实际功能,而重视炫酷外观,所以工厂就把焦点更多集中到外壳设计上了”,但是表达的实在是……
直接改了,自己对比一下吧:As the consumers prefer eye-catching appearance to practical applicability, the manufacturers focus more on the design of outer skins.)
Then some mobile phones has the same hardware configuration, but the outer skin has been change, also have a good market.(……中式英语.“有些手机有相同的硬件构造,只是外壳改变了也一样有好的销路”,改:There are some mobile phones from different brands but with the same hardware configuration. Just change the outer skin, it can get a better market than before.“有一些不同品牌的手机,但硬件构造相同.只要换外壳,它就能得到比之前更好的销路.)
Thus, the engineers’ power is so big.
Then, sales engineer(加s) (加have,duty是名词) duty to
(management and planning of commodity regional sales of the produce. 语法错误duty to 后面跟do;commodity 和the produce重复了,都是被销售的东西,用一个就可以了.
改:manage and plan for regional sales of the produce)
They understand (their products’ advantages and disadvantages 用their表示所有权关系,而products不属于销售工程师们的.其次,重叠“爸爸的妈妈的姑姑”是不符合英语的表达习惯的.改:the advantages and disadvantages of the products),
(persuading改 and persuade,这个动词和understand有相同的主语,分句间是并列关系中间要加and) customers
to (use their own products. 西方人的思维比东方人直白,所以英文表达意思比中文直白,“使用”不表示购买,可以是免费使用,所以这里要用“buy”.
由于上半句已经提到了the products,这里可以直接用代词them.
改:buy them)
The sale(加s) engineers (加do) not only know (a little 从感情色彩方面考虑,改some) technology
but also (realize 意思是慢慢认识到,不符合句意,改:know)
the (market trend 改:trend of market) and (customer's psychology 名词后加s往往表示所有权关系,不适合,改:psychology of customers).
Sale(加s) engineers create the huge sales for the products.