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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/29 20:20:17
所有人都知道,小个子球员的优势就是闪电般的速度和超强的灵活性.而1米65的Boykins,恰恰就是这两个优势的结合体.Boykins有着无与伦比的判断力,大个子上来封盖,他就会选择从你腰间闪过,等你转过身,他已经用熟练的抛射将皮球投进.大个子忌惮他的速度,他会毫不犹豫用一个急停跳投完成进攻.他是一个纯粹的clutch player,无所畏惧的球风让他永远可以得到教练员的信任.创造了NBA历史加时赛得分记录.得到了球迷和队友的爱戴.
As we all know ,the advantages of sprat players are lightning speeds and super elasticity.However ,Boykins,with a 1.65 meter-height ,is just the combination of these 2 advantages .He has unapproachable judgment .He will choose to flash through your waist when high players are capping .And wnen you turn around ,he's thrown the ball in with the adroit projectile .Though the high players fear his speed ,he 'll not hesitate to finish the attack with a sudden stop and jump-bowling .He is a complete clutch player and can get the relance from the couch forever because of his dauntless spirits .What's more ,he created the record of NBA Ot .At the same time ,he won the respects of his fans and teammates.
I do hope this can help you a lot !
再问: 还有一段谢谢你~2004-2005赛季是Boykins职业生涯的顶峰。11月11日客场对阵卫冕冠军Pistons,他在第一节就手指受伤的情况下全场砍下职业生涯最高分32分,成为身高最矮的单场得到30+得分 厄尔•博伊金斯的球员。2012年3月27日,火箭以一份10天的短合同签下了博伊金斯,这位矮个后卫继续续写他的传奇。