作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

1.A great man of science sitting in a wheelchairs,he has suf

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/29 21:43:58
1.A great man of science sitting in a wheelchairs,he has suffered from a disease that can't be cured
2.lt seems as soon as one problem was solved a new one arose
3.Turning to her daughter,she asked "Tell me,what do you see?"
4.The carrot went in strong and hard
5.Once there was a scarecrow standing all summer long in the filed and waving his arms to scare away the crows
6.l'm tired of being just an old coat filled with straw
7.The wanderer walked away hanging his head in shame
8.1.They found that they liked the same kind of art,the same kind of food,and the same kind of clothes.
9.But you will also have to do your best to give her a strong will to live.
10.He heard the crowd say,"It takes a brave heart to make a man.求翻译,
一个科学伟人坐在轮椅上,他被一种不能治愈的疾病折磨 再答: 似乎一个问题被解决之后另一个问题又来了
再答: 她转向她的女儿,并问,告诉我,你看到了什么
再答: 这个胡萝卜长得又大又硬
再问: 还有呢
再答: 这里曾经有一个稻草人一整个夏天站在这里挥舞它的手来驱赶过来人
再问: 快点啊
再答: 作为一个知识用稻草填满的外套,我累了
再答: 这个游荡者一边羞耻的摇头一边走开
再答: 他们发现他们喜欢同一种艺术,同一种食物,还有同样种类的衣服
再答: 但是你也需要尽你的最大努力来给她强烈的生存愿望
再答: 他听到那个过路人说,当一个人需要一颗很勇敢的心
再问: 还有一个
再答: 完了呀
再问: 蒽
再问: 蒽
再问: 感谢