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请教英译汉If Bo had gotten his way he would have relieved the str

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/29 23:27:52
If Bo had gotten his way he would have relieved the strains beginning to show in today’s growth model by stepping on the gas, with a reinforced role for state-owned enterprises and a continuation of the reliance on capital expenditure by the State.
再问: 你的翻译不错。但是by stepping on the gas好像在你的翻译中没有体现出来。
再答: oh ,太匆忙了点。刚才要下班来着。 如果薄(你懂的)能为其所为,他会通过强化国企力量和继续依赖政府主导的基础建设投资来解除现有发展模式所面临的压力。 加大(汽车)油门;踩(汽车)油门,此处再译似乎有点多余,因为我们在原译文中已使用了“强化”“继续依赖”。但我也觉得有点力度不足,您可以根据主干再调整一下措辞。