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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/03 08:49:31
白天 一些同学 上课专心听讲,积极参与讨论,经常向老师请教疑难问题.
晚上 花较少的时间完成作业,早休息,上课经常保持旺盛的精力.
白天 另一些同学 上课打瞌睡,不愿发言,没明白或漏掉了很多要点.
晚上 花较多时间做作业,熬夜学习,导致注意力无法集中.
你的观点 … …
Recently I made a survey in my class on how my classmates study.Here are the results.
With the development of our ages, our studies get harder and harder. So it is very important for us to get suitable ways to study well. These days, I made a survey among my classmates. The result are as follows.

Some of the my classmates are very hard-working in every class. They often discuss with their partners actively. At the same time, they also ask help from their teachers so that deal with the problems in their study. So they spend little time to finish the homework and go for rest early.

Others usually feel sleepy in the classes, and they are not fond of discuss with anybody. They can’t understand the words from the teachers or leave the points of study. As a matter of fact, they spend more time on study, and always stay up for study. The next day, they will feel sleepy again and unable to focus on their studies.
In my opinion, success comes from every day and every class, if you don’t be attention in class, you’ll fail the exam and studies undoubtedly. As I just mentioned, every students should be active in every class, you’ll succeed! Believe in yourself!
英语作文初三学习比较紧张,正确的学习方法尤为重要.最近你对同学们做了一个调查,结果如下,请用英语简述并发表你的观点.白天 英语作文高中阶段学习比较紧张,因此正确的学习方法就显得尤为重要,有些学生学习方法不合理,熬夜学习,上课却打瞌睡,对学习渐 高三阶段学习比较紧张,科学的学习方法显得十分重要。最近你在你班做了一个有关学习方法的调查,下表是你调查出的两种不同的学习 英语作文. 习作要求最近,你作为研究性学习课题组的成员就同学们对高中英语新教材的看法展开了一次调查,调查的结果如下:非常 英语作文假如你是tom,最近你对所在班级的60名同学进行了调查,了解他们上网做什么.现在请根据调查结果用英语写一份调查报 英语作文,假如你想知道你的同学对未来职业的设想,并对他们做了一个调查请根据内容提示,按要求写一篇短文,将调查结果和你的想 求一篇英语作文题目是这样的 请对你的同学做一个关于做家务活的调查,并写错一个做调查是的英语对话. 字数在70字以下即可 假如你是李华,最近对你校的高三学生的体育活动现状进行了调查。请根据下列图示,用英语写一篇报告,并简要陈述你的观点。 英语作文:初二同学认为初一二的学习不重要,初三认真就行了.你对这种观点有什么看法? (英语作文)最近你们学校就上网的利与弊进行的调查.请根据调查结果写一篇调查报告并简述自己的观点. 请根据以下提示,写一篇70词左右的英语作文,对你所在的城市的三家饭店做比较,并给出自己的观点 英语作文!假如你是初三学生李华,在初三紧张的学习中你感受到了父母对你浓浓的爱,提示,