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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/03 05:10:30
Seoul (600.69 thousand) 29 released 2008 annual report,the company achieved in 2008,contrarian growth,net profit growth of Jin Liangcheng,but on the same day this year,a quarterly disclosure is not optimistic in the first quarter net profit fell 39%.
In 2008,Qingdao Haier's main business income of 30.4 billion yuan,an increase of 3.19%; to achieve attributable to shareholders of listed companies net profit of 7.68 billion yuan,up 19.35%; basic earnings per share were 0.574 yuan.2008 fiscal year profit distribution plans for every 10 shares were 1.5 per head (including tax).
Disclosed the same day showed a quarterly,the company to achieve the current period attributable to shareholders of listed companies net profit of 104 million,down 39.89%; basic earnings per share were 0.078 yuan.After deducting non-recurring gains and losses on a fully diluted net assets yield 1.39%,down 1.1 percentage points.
From product management perspective,in 2008 the company refrigerator business continuity in 2007 based on the momentum achieved 13.89 percent revenue growth,maintaining a leading position in the industry; and air-conditioning business in the face of fierce competition,a decline in market share,sales Revenue fell 7.15%.
From the regional distribution point of view,the domestic market is still a major source of revenue.The domestic market to achieve full-year operating income of 25.28 billion yuan,accounting for 83.13% of total operating revenue.
In 2008,the company achieved a refrigerator / freezer business,solid growth,refrigerator / freezer operations to achieve operating income of 15.5 billion total,compared with 13.18% growth in 2007; refrigerator product gross margin was 27.51% compared to 2007 increased 8.06 percentage points.
英语翻译尔(600690)29日公布的2008年年报显示,公司在2008年实现逆势增长,净利润增长近两成,但同日披露的今 英语翻译海尔29日公布的2008年年报显示,公司在2008年实现逆势增长,净利润增长近两成,但同日披露的今年一季报则不容 近日,香港上市企业合景泰富地产发布了08年年报,公布其截至08年12月31日的年度全年业绩及09年计划.该年报显示,虽然 英语翻译1、尽管从未承认中国有热钱大量进出,但国家外汇管理局在2013年2月28日公布的《2012中国跨境资金流动监测报 在不考虑物价因素的条件下,货币增长与经济增长要实现平衡必须? 英语翻译:女人的权利明显在增长 英语翻译随着对外贸易规模的扩张,中国在世界贸易总量中的地位迅速上升.同时由于我国外贸出口年年大幅增长,对国外的某些产业构 2012年1月17日国家统计局公布了我国2011年经济情况初步预算2011年中国CDP比上年增长了9.2%9.2%的意思 英语翻译[摘要]自中国改革开放以来,在经济增长和社会进步的推动下,航空运输业获得了巨大发展,但近年来,航空运输增长减缓. 英语翻译江苏省的名义GDP在2010年将实现17%的爆炸式增长.许多世界领先的电子设备、化学品和纺织品出口企业都位于该省 英语翻译本公司成立于1992年.我们专门生产电子产品.去年我们的营业额大约为7000万美元.而且我们的业余还在稳步增长, 统计题:某企业的工业净产值2006年比2003年增长15%,2007年比2006年增长8%,2008年比2007年增长6