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英国文学题 And,moreover,at this fair there is at all times to be

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/13 04:05:16
英国文学题 And,moreover,at this fair there is at all times to be seen jugglings,cheats,game,plays,
fools,apes,knaves,and rogues,and that of every kind.
Here are to be seen,too,and that for nothing,thefts,murders,adulteries,false swearers,and that of a blood-red color.
(1)where is it from and tell the author
(2)what idea does it express(3)被改成另一部小说,小说名和作者
(1)It is from pilgrim's progress The author is John Bunyan
(2)It express Capitalism is ugly
(3)《名利场》 萨克雷