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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 08:01:19
总分 4分 考试时间分钟
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1. People do not analyze every problem they meet . Sometimes they try to rmember a solution from the last time they had a ___1___ problem. They often accept the opinions or ideas of other people . Other times they begin to act without thinking ;they try to find a solution by trial and error.___2___ ,whenall of these methods fail, the person with a problem has to start analyzing. There are six ___3___ in analyzing a problem.
___4___ the persom must recognise that there is a problem . For example , Sam's bicycle is broken, and he can't ride it to class as he usually doed. Sam must___5___ that there is a problem with his bicycle .
Next the person must find the problem . Before Sam can repair his bicycle ,he must know why it does not work. For example , he must ___6___ the parts that are wrong.
Now the person must look for ___7___ that will make the problem clearer and lead to ___8___ solutions . For example ,suppose Sam decides that his bike does not work because there is something wrong with the brakes.___9___ , he can look in his bicycle repair book and read about brakes ,___10___ his friends at the bike shop , or look at his brakes carefully.
After___11___ the problem ,the person should have ___12___ suggestions for a possible solution. Take Sam as an example ___13___ , his suggestions might be: tighten or loosen the brakes ; buy new brakes and change the old ones .
In the end , one ___14___ seems to be the solution to the problem .Sometimes the ___15___ idea comes quite___16___ because the thinker suddenly sees something new or sees somethng in a ___17___ way. Sam , for example , suddenly sees there is a piece of chewing gum(口香糖)stuck to a vrake. He ___18___ hits on the solution to his problem : he must ___19___ the brake.
Finally the solution is ___20___. Sam does it and finds his bicycle works perfectly . In short he has solved the problem.
1. A.serious B.usual C.similar D.common
2. A.Besides B.Instead C.Otherwise D.However
3. A.ways B.conditions C.stages D.orders
4. A.First B.Usually C.In general D.Most importantly
5. A.explain B.prove C.show D.see
6. A.check B.determine C.correct D.recover
7. A.answers B.skills C.exolanation D.information
8. A.possible B.exact C.real D.special
9. A.In other words B.Once in a while C.First of all D.At this time
10 A.look for B.talk to C.agree with D.depend on
11 A.discussing B.settling down C.comparing with D.studying
12 A.extra B.enough C.several D.countless
13 A.secondly B.again C.also D.too
14 A.suggestion B.conclusion C.decision D.discovery
15 A next B.clear C.final D.clean
16 A.unexpectedly B.late C.clearly D.often
17 A.simple B.different C.quick D.sudden
18 A. fortunately B.easily C.clearly D.immediately
19 A.clean B.separate C.loosen D.remove
20 A.recorded B.completed C.tested D.accepted
2. Many if us spend a great deal of time and energy attempting to prove that we are right and others are wrong . Many people believe that it's their job to ___1___ others how their positions , statements , and points of view are ______2___, and that in doing so , the person they are correcting is going to somehow___3___it , or at least learn something , Wrong!
Think about it . Have you ever been___4___by someone and said to him ,"Thank you so , much for showing me that I'm wrong and you're roght".Or has anyone you know ever___5___ when you corrected him , or made yourself "right " at his ___6___? Of course not .The truth is , all of us ___7___to be corrected . We all want our positions to be ___8___and understood by others , Being listened to and heard is one of the greatest ___9___of the human heart. And those who learn to ___10___are the most loved and respected Those who are in the ___11___of correcting others are often resented and ___12___.
A.winderful way of becoming more peaceful and loving is to practice___13___others the joy of being right-give them the glory. ___14___corredting . When someone says , "I really feel it's important to." rather than___15___and saying , "No,it's more important to...".simply let it go and allow his statement to___16___. The people in your life will become less defensive and more ___17___. They will appreciate you more than you could ever have ___18___ possible . You 'll disvcover the joy of joining in and wimessing other people 's ___19___, which is far more rewarding than a battle of egos,Staring , let others be "___20___"most of the time!
1.A.classify B.show C.advise D.persuade
2.A.unbelievable B.imperfect C.incorrect D.unimportant
3.A.promote B.appreciate C.consider D.inderstant
4.A.corrected B.fooled C.helped D.taught
5.A.rewarded B.accepted C.cared D.thanked
6.A.effort B.price C.expense D.power
7.A.afford B.hate C.like D.prefer
8.A.respected B.received C.admired D.realized
9.A.advantages B.appetites C.shortcomings D.desires
10.A.envy B.talk C.listen D.praise
11.A.form B.habit C.purpose D.position
12.A.avoided B.left C.punished D.scolded
13.A.lending B.owing C.promising D.allowing
14.A.Group B.Practice C.Stop D.Continue
15.A.working out B.jumping up
C.turning up D.putting off
16.A.stand B.last C.bear D.work
17.A.careful B.helpful C.popular D.loving
18.A.needed B.won C.dreamed D.demanded
19.A.worried B.happiness C.suffrings D.happiness
20.A.right B.satisfied C.proud D.excited
3. Mr Smith is well know in Washington because of his many social blunders(stupid mistakes).
Recently he recive an invition ___1___a dinner party .Although he did not the hostess,he ___2___the invitation.
At dinner,he was___3___beside a man full of dignity(尊严).The woman tired to be ___4___even thoughshe had never met Mr Smith before .She spoke___5___,whenever she speak to her .Between the first and the second ___6___of the meal ,she turned to Smith and said:"Do you___7___that gray-haired man at the end of the table?the one ___8___glasses."
"Ah,yes .Who is he ?"asked smith.
"He's the secretary of the Interior!"she replied.
Mr Smith said :"so___9___is the secretary of the Interior!I'm afraid that I find very little to___10___about him,although he is the secretary."
The wiman sat still and did not reply.Smith continued in spite of her ___11___."Ireally can't see how he received his___12___, unless he is perhaps a relative of the President."
"It hardly ___13___whether you like the Secretary or not ,"she said."He was ___14___because the Present thought he was the man for the ___15___,if he does the job well ,you should to have no complant(抱怨."
"That just it,"said Smith ,"No one___16___the things he does ,unless he is a complete___17___."
"sir!"said the woman in all her___18___,"do you know who I am?"
"No,"replied Smith.
"I am the Secretary's wife,"she said coldly.
Mr Smith was___19___,but he went on in spite of his embarrassment(困窘)."Madam,do you know who I am?"
"No,I don't," the woman replied.
"___20___!"cried Mr Smith .as he quickly left the table.
1.A.by B.of C.to D.for
2.A.got B.dreferred C.took D.accepted
3.A.seated B.placed C.arranged D. kept
4.A.lively B.CAREFUL C.friendly D.pation
5.A.calmly B.politely C.plainly D.perfectly
6.A.course B.choice C.pause D. turn
7.A.reconize B.see C.remeber D.turn
8.A.on B.putting C.WITH D.cleaning
9.A.there B.this C.here D.that
10.A.honor B.respect C.admire D.look
11.A.appearance B.coldness C.sadness D.action
12.A.position B.INVITATION C.possession D.instruction
13.A.minds B.expects C.happens D.matters
14.A.picked out B.selected C.made out D. chosen
15.A.business B.job C.service D.chance
16A.wishes B.interested C.needs D.cares
17.A.joker B. dreamer C.fool D.stranger
18A.manner B.dignity C.wealthy D.quality
19.A.moved B.interested C.frightened D.shocked
20.A.TANk goodnesss B. Great fun C. thank you D. Being mistake.
4. Not so long ago ,if you adoided drinking water during a work out(训练),you wre considered tough .Today ,most experts___1___,you wuold be considered unintelligent.
Even if you don't sweat much or feel___2___,and even if there is a nice breeze ,___3___experts say drinking water,or something___4___-is essential before ,during and after all warmer-weather___5___.
Only a few years ago ,many coaches ___6___players from drinking anything during the game -they thuoght it was___7___for them to rinse( 漱口)their mouths,___8___swallowing anything might slow them down .
Now,there's___9___plenty of water on the sidelines for athletes to drink.The Natural Hockey League even___10___goalkeeper to put water bottles on top of their nets.
These new pratices___11___be lost on recreational( 娱乐)athlete.Some ___12___advise you drink about two cups of water 15minutes or so after you ___13___exercising and the same amount every 15 minutes.In sams types of exercise-running,for example-others encuorage drinking a cup or two of water___14___ the work out .
Don't drink any more ,experts say-too much fluid makes ___15___and exercise uncomfortable .In___16___,continuous hot-weather exercise ,___17___can sweat and breath away 1.8 kilograms of ___18___an hour.
Drink water does two things :restore some___19___and allows you to keep sweating so the skin can be kept ___30___,Doctor say drinking six or eight cups a day can help digestion( 消化) .
1.A.discover B.suggest C.agree D.fear
2.A.thirsty B.hungry C.hot D.tired
3.A.labour B.children C.water D.tastful
4.A.else B.instead C.fresh D.tastful
5.A.seasons B.lessons C.days D.activities
6.A.excused B.discouraged C.prevent D.saved
7.A.possible B.unnecessary C.difficult D.though
8.A.but B.then C.therefore D.though
9.A.seldom B.forever C.usually D.sometimes
10.A.allow B.promises C.forbids D.guides
11.A.couldn't B.wouldn't Cshuoldn't D.mustn's
12.A.teachers B.parents C.players D.doctor
13.A.stop B.start C.give up D.being with
14.A.after B.before C.with D.from
15.A.working B.breaking C.swallowing D.drinking
16.A.heavy B.easy C.pleasant D.everyday
17A.a patient B.a drinker C. a athlete D.an expert
18.A.air B.atmosphere C.oxygen D.water
19A.sweat B.weight C.breath D.height
20.Awarm B.strong C.cool D.safe

总分 4分 考试时间分钟
班级:姓名: 学号:

1.试题答案:1~5 CDCAD 6~10 BDADB 11~15 DCBAC 16~20ABDAC
2.试题答案:1~5 BCBAD 6~10 CBADC 11~15 BADCB 16~20 ADCBA
3.试题答案:1.C 2. D 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.C 11.B 12 A 13.D 14. D 15.B 16. B 17. C 18.B 19.D 20.A
1."an invitation"为一固定结构,意为“.的邀请”
2.根据下文可知MrSimth 接受了请求.A项意为“得到、收获”;B项意为“更喜欢”;C项意为“带走”;D项意为“接受”.
3.be seated 相当于sit符合句意,B、C两项都有“安置、安排”的意思;D项为“保持、保留”
6.course 在此为“一道菜”,其他选项意思不符.
8.with glasses意为戴眼镜,为固定用法
9.A、C两项为表地点的词,可首先排除,B为“这个”为近指代词;D为“那个”为远指代词,根据下文中的“at the end of the table”可知那人离说话人教远.
10.A、B两项都有“尊敬”之意不;D为“看”;C为“羡慕”.根据上下文“although he is the Secretary”可知答案C.
12.根据文意可选A position"职位",其余三项意为邀请;财产;说明,均与本文无关.
13.It hardly matters whether.意为“与.无关”符合句意.
16.根据后便的hedoes 可知选B
19.根据文意,Smith 听了那位女士的话很“震惊”.

4.试题答案:1.C 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.D 6.B 7.D 8.A 9.C 10.A 11.C 12.D 13.B 14.C 15.B 16.A 17.C 18.D 19.B 20.C
1. 结合文章开头一句,可知“如今,大多数专家认为 ( 或同意、赞成)你不勤奋,如果你在训练期间不喝水的话”可知答案为C,agree 同意、赞成,而A项意为“发现”,B项意为“暗示、表明、建议”;D项意为害怕,均不可以
2.结合本句的主句的内容“专家说喝水时基本的或必要的”可知从句应为“即使你没有出多少汗或感到口渴”故答案A thirsty 渴的,而B项意为“饿得”;C项意为“热的”;D项为“疲惫的累得”和主句的喝水的联系不时太大.
4.something else 不一定都能drink,故应是能够代替水的东西
6.prevent .from doing 和discourage.from doing sth .都有“阻止某人做某事的”意思,但后者强调ide不成,更符合语境
14.with 表示“随同、随着”“和.一起”