作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 16:48:19
既然是娱乐游戏又不要说什么honored呀 太serious了 不好搞气氛 一共有四个人是吧,那我就用ABCD来代替了
A:Hello,everybody!Welcome to our English Contest!It is my pleasure (pleasure比较casual一点)to be here with you all this evening!I'm sure everybody is very excited for the show to begin,well so am I!
B1:To start off,first of all,let's introduce our contestants/participants.They are...谁谁谁,please give a round of applause to thank 谁谁谁!(如果有contestants介绍 没有的话也可以介绍主办者如下)
B2:To start off,first of all,let us introduce our sponsors who helped organizing this show because without them,we wouldn't be sitting here right now!They are...谁谁谁,please give a round of applause to thank 谁谁谁!
C:To give you all a heads-up,I'm going to tell you guys about the rules of this Contest.(什么什么什么.)
D:All right!Now you've all have enough of us talking,we're gonna bring you straight to our program for tonight!So sit back and enjoy!