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初一下册英语综合练习一:一.单项选择1.The music sounds ___

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/17 16:14:10
初一下册英语综合练习一:一.单项选择1.The music sounds ___
1.The music sounds ________.
A.friendly B.slowly C.
beautiful D.easily
2.John goes to school ___ his friends’ car.
A.by B.
in C.at D.on
3.---- may I speak to Mary?---- ________
A.yes,I’m Mary.
B.Yes,you can speak.
C.Speaking.D.Who are you?
4.You must be tired.
Why not _______ a rest?
A.to stop to have B.to stop having C.stop to have
D.stop having
5.The teacher told us ______.
A.don’t play on the road B.
not be late again
C.come to school on foot D.to cross the road
6.There are many hills in the country.A train usually goes
_______ tunnels.
A.across B.through C.along D.up
7.Jim,with his
parents,____ going back to Tokyo next week.
A.is B.are C.will be D.
8.Which of the following cities is the capital of a country?
B.New York C.Toronto D.Paris
9.I’ll _____ Beijing on Sunday,the seventh
of April.
A.get B.arrive in C.arrive at D.reach in
1C 音乐听起来很悦耳.
2B 用介词by时应为by car,中间不加修饰成分;乘坐汽车是坐在汽车里面的,所以应用介词in
3C 在电话用语中,不能出现I、you等人称代词,而应用this、that代替,
4C stop to do sonething 是停下(手头正在做的)去做这件事;stop doing something 是停下做这件事
5D tell somebody (not) to do something
6B 火车(train)在隧道(tunnel)之中穿过,所以应用through
7A 这句话的主语是Jim,with his parents是伴随状语,根据主谓一致原则,应用is
8D Paris是法国首都,Sydney是澳大利亚的城市,其首都为堪培拉;New York是美国城市,其首都为华盛顿;Toronto是加拿大城市,其首都为渥太华
9B “到达” arrive,arrive是不及物动词,其后面应跟介词in或at,而in用于指较大地点,如城市;at用于较小地点,如车站