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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 06:54:15
The vast majority of enterprises in China are foreign currency Commission account system,the foreign currency business accounting should be equivalent to the standard currency acquisition.Foreign currency business in addition to the actual use of the transactions in foreign currency outside measurement and reflected,but also for foreign currency business double metering and reflect.Foreign currency business corporate accounting standard currency other than the currency of money transfers,exchanges,clearing and valuation of economic business,our business in a foreign currency business account processing generally use foreign currency Commission account system,i.e.in case of foreign currency operations must promptly converted into accounting standard currency acquisition.Foreign exchange risk and disappear directly reflected in the accounting of the "Exchange" account,but also can lead to enterprise asset inflow or outflow.Exchange gains and losses are handled should follow the principle of consistency,this makes it easier to compare,analyse the exchange gains and losses on the effects of the economic benefits of the enterprise,enabling organizations to take appropriate measures to reduce unnecessary losses.
Key words:Exchange rate,exchange,RMB appreciation,accounting for failure.
Our company adopts the most TongZhang system,enterprise's foreign currency business of functional currency shall be converted into.According to the foreign trade business in addition to practical use of foreign currency measurement and reflect on foreign currency business,but also reflects the measurement and dual.Foreign currency business enterprise is the functional currency of payment receipts outside currencies,settlement and valuation of economic business enterprise in China,foreign currency business accounting treatment TongZhang currency commonly used in foreign currency,namely business must promptly into its functional currency.Foreign exchange risk and disappear directly reflects the accounting "exchange gains and losses" account,also can cause enterprise assets into or out.Exchange gains and losses of processing should follow the principle of consistency,so as to compare and analyze different periods of exchange gains and losses to the enterprise economic benefit of the extent to which make the enterprise take corresponding measures,reduce unnecessary losses.
Keywords:exchange,exchange,RMB appreciation,accountant processing.
英语翻译内容摘要我国绝大多数企业采用的是外币统账制,企业所发生的外币业务应折合为记账本位币入账.外币业务除了按交易中实际 我国的会计核算应以人民币作为记账本位币.业务收支以外币为主的企业,也可选择某种外币作为记账本位币 企业应根据经济业务发生时所取得的原始凭证,在记账凭证中编制() 英语翻译该公司属于较为普通的日资企业,从事单纯贸易业务,无任何生产性业务,其本身受行业发展状况、国家政策、外币汇率等外界 我国所有企业的会计核算都必须以人民币为记账本位币?是对还是错 外币代兑机构的英语翻译 外汇与外币的区别 会计中级实务一道题甲公司对外币交易采用交易发生时的即期汇率折算,按季计算汇兑损益.2007年4月12日,甲公司收到一张期 银行日常对话的汉译英您好 请问您办理什么业务?我有什么可以帮您?我明白您的意思,你所要办理的兑换外币业务在我们网点没有权 若100单位的外币可兑换成更多人民币,说明外币汇率_____,人民币______,一般利于我国出口,反之,则说明外币汇率 英语翻译1,您的这个业务我们这里办理不了.2,请您拿号排队.3,兑换外币业务不用拿号,直接去1号柜台排队就可以办理.4, 多选:企业在选定境外经营的记账本位币时,要考虑一般企业选定记账本位币时所考虑的因素,还要考虑?