作业帮 > 综合 > 作业

英语翻译The contract is made by and between the Buyers and the S

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/13 18:17:45
The contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers; whereby the Buyers agree to buy and Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below
country of origin
port of origin
payment tems:100% by T/T on execution of this contract.
The seller bank details
Advising Bank
Account Number
Swift Code
Partial Shipment
Latest Shipping Time
Bills of Lading
Load details
Weight Tolerance
Port of Destination
Bank Charges
The Buyer bank details
Bank name
Account name
Account number
Swift Code
Period of Presentation:21 days from date of shipment.
Insurance:For account of the buyers,Insurance to cover all risks including war risk.The seller will provide details to the buyer such as vessel name,booking number after shipping arrangements shall be confirmed.A copy of the insurance shall be provided to the seller before shipping date.
country of origin 原产地
port of origin 始发港
payment tems:100% by T/T on execution of this contract.
支付条款: 在执行此合同后,通过电汇支付100%货款.
The seller bank details 卖方银行详情
Advising Bank 通知行
Beneficiary 受惠方
Account Number 账户
Swift Code SWIFT号(银行特有的编号)
Partial Shipment 部分出运
Trans-shipment 转运
Latest Shipping Time 最晚出运日期
Bills of Lading 提单
Load details 装箱详情
Weight Tolerance 重量误差
Port of Destination 目的港
Bank Charges 银行手续费
The Buyer bank details 买方银行信息
Bank name 银行名称
Account name 账户名
Account number 帐号
Swift Code SWIFT号
Period of Presentation:21 days from date of shipment.
交单期限: 自出运日起的21天内
Insurance: For account of the buyers, Insurance to cover all risks including war risk. The seller will provide details to the buyer such as vessel name, booking number after shipping arrangements shall be confirmed. A copy of the insurance shall be provided to the seller before shipping date.