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求懂英语大神进If you could go back to some place and time in the pa

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 08:10:04
If you could go back to some place and time in the past,when and where would you go?why.求大神牛逼回答,懂英语的来.
In this competitive world, sometimes you wish to make time stop and go back the past. I am a graduate and having job in a big company, so I wish I could go back my childhood when life was pink and full of happiness.
I have many reasons to explain my choice. First, I wish to come back my childhood to remember my happy and impartial time. After many competition in school, university and now, society I realize that childhood is the most beautiful time and place. I want to forget all stressfulness, competition and response in life. To do that, we need a place that has no noise, no boss, no business, no salary and so on. And only childhood give us peaceful, it reminds us your games with friends, our parents' sacrifice to give us the best things, our funny and impartial dreams about future job such as: sometimes i wanted to be a rock star, famous actress, doctor, teacher... It is worthwhile to have chance to remember the most beautiful time in whole life.
Another reason is that, I want to fix my faults in the past. It is common knowledge that most of us made some bad things in childhood and this chance help us fix them. I have never forgot one story in my childhood. When I was a six-year-old girl, my family was quite poor. Once time I saw a beautiful but expensive doll of my friend. I liked it and hope I would have one but my mother had no money to buy it. She said sorry while I cried loudly and said that:" I hate mom." You can imagine that my suddenly sentence made my mother really sad and she felt she couldn't give me everything I need. I really regret about this until now. If I could turn back time I would fix my biggest fault in my childhood and say that:" I love mom".
Going back time is an unreal dream but we have rights to imagine and wish. If I can stop the time and fly through time, I would go back my childhood to have peaceful time, to fix some faults those make my love ones sad.