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1.It’s not a good idea to drive for four hours without a bre

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/01 10:49:49
1.It’s not a good idea to drive for four hours without a break.(第二个a为什么不用the)
2.There’s no beer left and the pubs are shut at this time of night.So I’m afraid we’ll have to_____it.
A.go out B.go without
C.go through D.go off(答案是B,请把四个词的意思解释一下以及选B的原因)
3.We can’t go._______,it’s too cold.Besides,we have no money.
A.In the end B.To begin with
C.After all D.Secondly
4.---Do you have a minute?I’ve got something to tell you.
----OK,______you make it short.
A.now that B.if only
C.so long as D.every time
Customs vary,depended on countries.
(为什么把depended 改为depending?请分析一下句子结构)
6._____all the inventionshave in common is____they have succeeded,
A.What;that B.That;what
7.cover in 和 cover with的区别
8.(1)He is an easy-going person with a(n)_____-looking face and simple clothes.
(2)On Saturday afternoon,we friends will gather and have fun in our _____shool playground.(第一个空填usual ,第二个空填ordinary,为什么?两者有什么区别?)
9._______breaks the law will be punished.
A.Whoever B.Anyone
10.By hiking,people can get close to nature and experience a kind of life.(nature前为什么不可以加the?)
1、 the 是 那个 的意思,就是指某个特定的break.不需要用the.
go off是指走火的意思,显然不对,不是D.
go through是穿过或经历的意思,不是C.
3、in the end = 最后.“最后,天气太冷……明显不对.A is out.
Secondly = 第二.句中,firstly 都没有,哪来的,secondly?
剩下B和C,besides和To begin with一般都是一起用的.所以选B.
4、now that = 现在.OK,现在你长话短说?不对.
if only 本身就别扭,应该说 only if 所以B不对.
Everytime = 每一次.OK,每一次你长话短说?不对.
就剩下C了,不过我感觉应该是:as long as.
5、customs vary,depending on countries.depending on countries是修饰customs vary的.以这类的短句做修饰的时候,都是正在进行时.
7、cover in是用于不可数名次时候,例如:cover in liquid.
cover with用于可数名次,例如:covered with a patch of grass.
8、usual = 普通.
ordinary = 形容一个地点(非人物,非事物)普通.
9、anyone breaks the law...任何人都违反法律,明显不对.
空里明显是要填上某个人,例如he who breaks the law...也就是必须有个who.当介词.whoever就是拉.
10、nature = 大自然.只有一个,然后还是不可数名次.所以不用the.
例:时间,we are short on time.时间只有一个,也是不可数名次.所以也不用the .