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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 15:37:25
一个没有理想的人,就像是一只没有翅膀的小鸟,所以,我们都在考虑要有自己的理想.我的理想是当一名教师. 我真喜欢老师,他们多么伟大、慈爱,心里装着多少知识啊!慢慢地,我从喜欢老师,开始爱上老师这一行工作了.现在,试卷里要求我们写自己的理想,我就写下了自己新的理想:将来成为一名光荣的伟大教师.老师教给学生知识,教给学生做人的道理,鼓励学生努力长进,很多的明星、教授、专家和领袖,都是教师培养出来的啊.教师的价值和作用是没得比的.看到我们学校老师辛勤的劳动,他热情地关怀我们,和我们一起学习、劳动,老师就好像我们的父母一样啊. 自从我有当老师的理想以后,我就常常梦见自己已成为一名老师了,自豪地走上讲台,在黑板上板书,用原来老师教给我的知识和故事去教我的学生.爸爸告诉我:"当个老师,不容易啊!要备课,要批改作业,每天很晚才能睡觉……"但我认真地说道: "我想当老师,我一定要当老师!"?我想我的理想一定会实现的. A man without ideals, like a bird without wings, so we are considering to have their own ideals. My dream is to be a teacher. I really like the teacher, how great they are, love, mind, how much knowledge ah! Slowly, I like the teacher, the teacher began to fall in love with this line of work. Now, the paper had asked us to write their own ideals, I had written his own new vision: to become a glorious future, a great teacher. Teachers to teach students the knowledge, to teach students the truth in life, to encourage students to grow, many of the stars, professors, experts and leaders, are teachers trained ah. The value and role of teachers is better than no. See the hard work of our school teachers, who care passionately us, and we learn together, work, just like our parents and teachers as ah. Since I have the ideal of a teacher, I always dreamed to have become a teacher, proudly to the podium, on the blackboard writing on the blackboard, the teacher had taught me with the knowledge and stories to teach my students. Dad told me: "When a teacher, not easy! To prepare lessons, to correcting homework, to sleep late every day ... ..." But I seriously said: " I want to be teachers, I must to be a teacher! "? I think my ideal will be achieved. My dream My dream is become a math teacher. Then I will work more hard.I want to work in poor school.because I would like to help poor kids.I want to let they get a lot of new kownledge.When I be a teacher,I think my class must be interesting and relaxing.I will try to make friends with students to keep it.This is my drean ,maybe is usual,but it must be a happy job.