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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 09:55:53
In Japan, each January 15 of Age Day is a big festival, it is subject to I, family and society, universal attention. That day, at least 2 years old Japan's young men and women must wear beautiful traditional kimono or a suit, To celebrate that they have been incorporated into the adult ranks. There are families with young adults, a Like to be held in the family celebration, or be held in the restaurant. The town and township Village, government agencies, will also be on this day, the young adults together Celebration. I have participated in Kawagoe, Saitama Prefecture, organized by the City An adult-style, and attended by several hundred young men and women, government officials From the Mayor, City Council president to the Electoral Affairs Commission and the Board of Education Person in charge to take part. Adult ceremony, distributed to all participants in the city A long message, as well as election-related knowledge, brochures, mayors, other political Government officials and representatives of youth spoke, and the atmosphere solemn. From the "not Adults "to join the" adult "ranks, which is naturally on the road of life A major turning point. In Japan, government regulations, at least 20-year-olds on the Start the right to vote. Therefore, the Japanese government bodies to hold an adult Type activities, in addition to congratulate the Japanese government officials encouraged the youth, let him They realize that they have grown up, hoping that they are not flat in the future Move forward on the road of life, it is also often stressed the need to cherish the first Times to obtain the right to vote. I have read, Kawagoe, mayor's message in the adult-type, It is also noteworthy that their attention to the internationalization of Japanese society, Hope that young people must strive to understand the world, understanding of the world to make itself To become "international" and "earth", this idea can not be said to Far-sighted. Kawagoe city government in recent years has organized many Japanese young people to go to Abroad (including to China) visit, it is their young people to make the city To become "international" and "Earth people" one of the efforts. Coming of Age Day in Japan from the ancient rites of adults, while the Japanese ancient Adult rites been subjected to China's "crown of Man" the impact of the so-called "crown of Man" That adult men held a ceremonial crown. From the crown on this day , The crown will have to make by society has been recognized as an adult. Japanese imitation of China's old-li System, before a crown system in the days of Emperor Wu eleven years (AD 683 years). According to ancient Chinese theory of yin and yang, crown on multiple-choice Jiazi, Bingyin auspicious day, special Do not order the first month of down. Now Japan's Coming of Age Day taking January 15, its Reason also here. Adult etiquette used to be the most important ritual in life, and has Multiple personalities of etiquette, is a widespread cultural phenomenon. Original Adult etiquette, including physical tests, the promise of sexual and physical deformation of Decoration and other content, it is based on changes in the body consciously aware of the individual agency Will be changes in the position to establish the individual's social responsibility. Compared with the original Adult social etiquette, and now adult etiquette (including Japan's adult Festival etiquette) is no doubt symbolic, but its cultural connotations remain as neither To the Japanese be able to pass so far and this ritual has been carried forward, I think this reflects the wisdom of their kind. 在日本,每年1月15日的成人节是个大节,它受到 本人、家庭以及社会的普遍重视.这天,年满二十岁 的日本男女青年,都要穿上漂亮的传统和服或西装, 庆祝自己被纳入成年的行列.有成人青年的家庭,一 般都要举行家庭庆祝会,或在餐厅举行.各城镇、乡 村的政府机构,也会在这天,把成人的青年集中起来, 举行庆祝活动.我曾参加过 玉县川越市政府举办的 一次成人式,出席的男女青年有好几百,政府官员则 从市长、市议会会长到选举管理委员会及教育委员会 的负责人都参加.成人式上,向所有参加者散发了市 长的贺词以及有关选举知识的小册子,市长、其他政 府官员以及青年代表分别讲了话,气氛庄重.从“未 成年人”到加入“成年”行列,这自然是人生道路上 的一大转折.在日本,政府规定,年满20岁的青年就 开始享有选举权.因此,在日本政府机构举行的成人 式活动中,日本政府官员除了祝贺、勉励青年,让他 们意识到自己已经长大成人,希望他们在今后不平坦 的生活道路上勇往直前的同时,还往往强调要珍视首 次取得的选举权.我读川越市长在成人式上的贺词, 觉得值得注意的还有他们对日本社会国际化的重视, 希望现在的青年要努力了解世界,认识世界,使自己 成为“国际人”、“地球人”,这种想法不能不说是 有远见的.川越市政府近年曾多次组织日本青少年赴 国外(包括到中国)考察,这是他们为使本市青年人 成为“国际人”“地球人”的努力之一. 日本的成人节源于古代的成人仪礼,而日本古代 的成人仪礼受到过中国“冠礼”的影响,所谓“冠礼” ,指男子成年时举行的一种加冠的礼仪.从加冠这天 起,冠者便被社会承认为已经成年.日本仿我国旧礼 制,始行加冠制度在天武天皇十一年(公元683年). 按中国古代阴阳学说,冠日多选甲子、丙寅吉日,特 别以正月为大吉.现在日本之成人节取1月15日,其 原因也就在这里. 成人礼仪从前是人生礼仪中最为重要、并且具有 多重性格的礼仪,是一种普遍存在的文化现象.原始 的成年礼仪包括体力考验、性的允诺以及身体的变形 装饰等内容,它是以肉体的变化使个人自觉意识到社 会地位的变化,以确立个人的社会责任感.较之原始 社会的成年礼仪,现在的成人礼仪(包括日本的成人 节礼仪)无疑是象征性的,但其文化内涵仍然一如既 往,日本人能将这种礼仪传承至今且有所发扬光大, 我相信这反映了他们的一种智慧.