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求the lake house里面的经典台词~

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/19 08:20:16
求the lake house里面的经典台词~
I sometimes feel as if I'm invisible,as if no one can see me at all.
I never felt that way when I lived at the lake house.
It's the one place I felt most like my true self.
I bought a house,on the lake.我在湖边买了一套房子(What if you found)假如你找到It's beautiful.Seductive even.美轮美奂,简直摄人心魄(The one you were meant for)那个你魂牵梦萦的人
It's the same day,two years apart.This is insane.
时隔两年但却同日 真叫人匪夷所思(Can this be happening?)这种事情有可能吗
This house is about connection.这套房子让我们紧密相连(Comes a love)爱情降临
Even though this is clearly impossible.It's amazing.
即便这一切子虚乌有,那也足以令人称奇(Without limits)情意绵绵
How's your sunset?夕阳美吗?It's perfect.美不胜收
I only wish you were here to share it with me我只想与你在此共赏落日余晖(And a place that reaches across time)穿越时空心有灵犀的地方
You have a girlfriend?你有女朋友了?
Oh,you're gonna think I'm crazy.She was more real to me than anything I've ever known.哦 你一定觉得我疯了.对我而言,她比我知道的任何东西都要真实
Pick a place,I'll be there,I promise.定个地方,我会来的,我发誓.
How?It's not meant to be.怎么来?命中注定你我无缘.
No,don't say that,something must have happened.不,别那么说,一定发生了什么The one man I can never meet--him,I would like to give my whole heart to.他与我素昧平生,但是我会全心全意去爱(The lake house) 触不到的恋人fsd