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女人与饮食 中翻英3大杏仁:保持体形过去,人们经常把食物的脂肪含量与体重增加画上等号,而美国大杏仁刚好能证明这一误区.研

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/17 16:32:33
女人与饮食 中翻英3
Almond:keep in shape
In the past,people always think that the fat content of food is equal to the rise of weight,while the American almond can prove this mistaken ideas.According to the research,adding a handful of American almond in each diet can't not only raise your weight,on the contrary,but also it can help the female lose weight.Because eating the American almond and so on nut will make people feel the sense of satiety while the dietary fiber of the almond can reduce the absorptivity of fat,so it won't cause the rise of weight.Besides,according to some other research,the females who eat the American almond over five times a week will be the lowest BMI among all the adults.