作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 17:16:57
A 1.Frankly,I’d rather you ______ anything about it for the time being.
a.do b.don’t do c.didn’t do d.will not do
C 2.The management urged that the cost of production ______.
a.to be further reduced b.was further reduced
b.be further reduced d.should further reduced
A 3.The business is risky.But ______ we would be rich.
a.should we succeed b.we should succeed c.might we succeed d.would we succeed
A 4.If I ______ in the twenty-first century,I ______ my vacation in a very different way.
a.should live…would spend b.will live ….should spend
c.are living … should have spent d.will be living…would have spent
B 5.What do you think of his proposal that improvements ______ in the old type of vacuum cleaner?
a.be made b.will be made c.would be made d.will have to be made
D 6.All science students,______,should have a good foundation in basic sciences.
a.whether they are future physicists and chemists
b.they are future physicists of chemists
c.they should be future physicists of chemists
d.be they future physicists or chemists
C 7.Sally can’t have written tome,or ______ the letter by now.
a.I’ll get b.I’ll have got c.I’d have got d.I’d get
C 8.There is a general understanding among the members of the Board of Directors that chief attention ______ to the undertaking that is expected to bring in highest profit.
a.is given b.gives c.should be given d.must be given
A 9.We’re safer in a train than we would be if we ______ any other way.
a.traveled b.had traveled c.travel d.have traveled
B 10.He is a poorly learnt man.But he acts as though he ______.
a.is b.were c.should be d.seems like
B 11.The driver looked over the engine carefully lest it ______ on the way.
a.goes wrong b.go wrong c.went wrong d.would go wrong
C 12.He is working hard for fear that he ______ to pass the exam.
a.fails b.may fail c.should fail d.would fail
B 13.It is time we ______ up our results.(为什么A不对?)
a.sum b.summed c.will sum d.would sum
A 14.“Why don’t you explain it to her?”
“I ______ it to her if I thought she would understand.”
a.would explain b.will explain c.explain d.would have explained
C 15.The committee asked that the matter ______ at the next meeting.
a.would be discussed b.will be discussed c.be discussed d.may be discussed
B 16.At the last committee meeting,the motion that the club ______ open until midnight was defeated.
a.remains b.remain c.remained d.would remain
B 17.The business of each day,______ selling goods or shipping them,went quite smoothly.
a.it being b.be it c.was it d.it was
1、此题的考点是“would rather do sth.(than sth.)”这是固定用法,不会变的.句中出现了“I'd rather you”后面就可以毫无疑问填动词原形“do”了.
2、此题的考点是“urge”的用法.答案中省略了“should”,完整形式应该是“urge sth. should be done”
表示意愿、建议、命令、提议、请求等动词后的that宾语从句中 谓语动词,用should(可省略)+动词原形,例如:
He ordered that parking be prohibited on main street during the rush hour.
Tom insisted that his leadership be recognized by all the boys. 汤姆坚持让所有男孩接受他的领导.
ask 要求 advise 建议 arrange 安排 beg 请求 command 命令 decide 决定 demand 要求 desire 渴望 insist 坚持 intend 打算 propose 提议 object 反对 order 命令 require 需要 request 要求 recommend 推荐 suggest 建议 urge 强调,促进 ,力劝,.
3.此题的考点是“if”的用法,作为虚拟语气,句子是想表达这样的意思:“这笔生意可能会谈不成,不过,如果我们成功的话我就会发财了.”从翻译中可以看出,这是一句与现在事实不相符合的虚拟语气,因此,其if 从句的谓语形式用动词的过去式(be 一般用were),主句用would/ should/ could/ might +动词原形.如:If places were alike, there would be little need for geographers.如果各个地方都一样,就不需要地理学家了.注意:前半句也可以把be动词(were)和if省略,然后将名词/情态动词提前.变成==》Were places alike, there would be little need for geographers.
句中后半句本来的原句应该是:But if we should succeed,we would be rich.省略了if ,把情态动词should提前了.
4.此题的考点也是if的用法.本句的意思是:如果我生活在21世纪,我将以完全不同的方式度假.同样的,这是一句与现在事实不相符合的虚拟语气,因此,其if 从句的谓语形式用动词的过去式(be 一般用were),主句用would/ should/ could/ might +动词原形.具体只要将公式代入即可.
5、此题的考点还是虚拟语气.但是你给的答案是错误的.这道题正确的答案应该是选A,答案中省略了should,完整的答案应该是should be made.至于为何省略should,请参考第二题的分析.在这里不再赘述.
6、此题的考点仍然是if的用法.不过,if 在答案中也已经省略了.完整的答案是:if they should be future physicists or chemists.==>be they future physicists or chemists.详细分析请参考第3句,在这里也不再赘述了.
从翻译中可知,本句是与过去事实(莎莉写信)相反.本句用can't have done 表示肯定的推测(没有做某事),后面的句子就应该用“would have done sth.”表示如果之前叙述的事情是真的就会产生什么结果.
8、此题的考点是give attention to sth./sb.的用法.原句的意思是:董事会的成员们都一致赞同应当把主要精力集中在预期可以带来最大效益的任务上.give attention to sth./sb.是将注意力放在.上面的意思.should be given 表示这个注意力应该被放在.上面,是被动用法.
9、此题的考点是if引导的条件状语从句.句中有一个比较级,safer than...句子意思是:我们在火车里比用其他方式旅行更安全.
10、此题的考点是as though的用法.as though =as if 也就是“仿佛”“好像”的意思,本身就带有虚拟的不真实的意思在里面.知道了这一点,解题时就方便多了.poorly learnt man是指“一个孤陋寡闻的人”.本题可用排除法做.A选项肯定不对,与as though 的虚拟不相符.C选项后面还要有内容,D选项一般与it 引导的形式主语用.
[所连接的状语从句里常用should或原形动词]以免; 生怕; 唯恐
[=that][用于fear, worry等词之后起连接作用, 无实际意义]
Be careful lest you fall from that tree.
要当心, 以免从树上摔下来.
I was afraid lest he might come too late.
I obeyed her lest she should be angry.
12、此题的考点是for fear that 的用法.for fear that 后面跟从句,意思是“害怕发生某事”,很明显,害怕发生,但是还没有发生,所以用虚拟的should fail.
13、此题的考点是it is (high) time . 该是做...的时候了,早该...了 其中high 可以省略.下面给出一些例句.
1. It's high time to go! 我们该马上走了.
2. It's high time for lunch. 正是午餐的时刻了.
3.It's high time that you started working. 你早该开始工作了.
4.It's high time the weather improved. 天气真该好起来了.
这个特殊句型的意思是:该是.时候 It is high time后面加从句,从句用一般过去式表示虚拟 主要是提出建议,
15、此题考点是ask的用法,在这句句子里,ask 是作为一种提议,建议来考的,所以后面要用虚拟语气should be done,中文翻译是:委员会提议这件事放到下一次会议中讨论.虚拟语气的用法详见第2句分析.这里不再解释了.
17、此题的考点还是if 得用法.不过,要注意,在这句句子里,if作为一个插入语来引导整句条件状语从句.这句句子的意思是:如果每天的生意只需要销售货物和运送货物,那么交易将会变得得心应手.答案B选项仍然省略了if 和should,还原后应该是if it should be selling goods or shipping them.