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英语翻译Come and enjoy the wonders of underwater worldif you are

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 15:11:22
Come and enjoy the wonders of underwater world
if you are interested in the wonderful underwater world.the documentary Iceans is a film you must see.this great film is about the oceans if the world.Since it was shown all over the world last year,it has won many prizes at different international film festivals.
Oceans leads film watchers into the heart of the oceans,giving them a fish-eye view of sea life.Because of the new methods that were used in making this film,viewers can"swim" among the fish and "see" an exciting underwater world full if wonders and dangers.The director said he wanted the viewers to see the oceans as the fish saw them and in this way helped them think more about the future of the oceans.It took the famous French director Jacques Perrin five years and 50 million euros to make Oceans which is really worth watching.
A special teacher
Babar Ali lives in a small village in India.He is a 17-year-old student now.He studies very hard in school.He tries his best to write down what his teachers say in class.
Babar Ali is an excellent student and he always gets good marks in school.But after school,he is a "teacher"he teaches other children in his village.They are too poor to go to school.Ali gets home as early as possible after school.Ali gers home as early as possible after school.There're hundreds of children waiting for him in his backyard.
Ali began to give his friends lessons at the age of 9.Soon other children began to come and see what he could teach then more and more children came to Ali's backyard to learn.Now there're more than 900students in his"school"Nine other volunteer teachers help Ali give lessons.
Oceans(指电影名字)吧观影者带入到了海洋的深处,把海洋中的生活像鱼的视野一样展现在观者眼中.由于在这部影片中采用了新的方法,观众们可以和鱼儿一起在海中游泳并且很真实的看到水下的新奇和危险.导演说道他想让观众们看到鱼儿在水下的视野冰用这种方式让人们去思考海洋的未来.这部花费了著名的法国导演Jacques Perrin 5年时间耗资5000万欧元的电影Oceans这的是值得一看.
2 一位特别的老师
Babar Ali 住在印度的一个小村镇.他是一位17岁的学生.他在学校学习非常努力.他尽力写下老师在课堂上说的课程.
Babar Ali 是一个很出色的学生并且在学校总是能拿到高分.但是放学以后 他就成为了一位老师,他给村镇里的其他孩子上课,这些孩子很穷不能上学.Ali 放学后尽可能早的回家,有上百个学生在他家的后院等着他来上课.
Ali 在9岁的时候开始给他的朋友们上课.不久就有很多其他的孩子来看他到底能教些什么然后越来越多的孩子来到了他家的后院来上课.现在又超过900个孩子在他学校上课而且有9个志愿者帮助Ali来上课.