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英语翻译Key words that indicate important aspects of the democra

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 02:13:29
Key words that indicate important aspects of the democractic method are free discussion,accommodation or compromise,moderation,tolerance,and reconciliation.if these aspects exist to a sufficient degree,the definition of democracy as majority rule is perhaps acceptable.but democracy really means more than majority rule,for in the absence of these methods of resolving conflict,a majority can be just as tyrannical as any absolute monarch or modern dictator.it means that the majority will respect and guarantee the rights of the minorities,and that it will allow the minorities the right to try to become the majority.democracy means that the end,no matter how noble,cannot justify the means.it holds that no goal,however desirable,is worth the price of sacrificing democractic methods.
自由讨论、 顺应、妥协、中庸、宽容、调解,这些是民主方式的主要关键词.如果上述方面均能够做得到位,作为少数服从多数规则的民主方式或许是可以接受的.然而,民主的真正含义不单单是少数服从多数的法则.因为,当缺乏上述这些方法来解决冲突,作为大多数的群体完全可以如同专横的君主或现代的独裁者一样的专横与残暴.民主意味着,作为大多数的群体将尊重和保障少数群体的权利,同时认可让少数群体拥有尝试成为大多数人的权利.民主意味着,无论远景多伟大,也绝不能采用不择手段的方式去实现.民主意味着,无论目标多么值得拥有,也绝不配不上牺牲民主处事方式的代价.