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英语翻译"A Dream" offers a rich read,varied in both the lives an

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/02 19:43:21
"A Dream" offers a rich read,varied in both the lives and texts of the women portrayed,and the perspectives and styles of the sixteen essayists.Yet,as an adult,I have come to demand of any really "great" book a self-consciousness about the tenuous nature of representations of reality,a critical contextualization of florid detail,and a self-awareness of the role of ideology in our lives.In these critical senses,"A Dream" is inadequate.
A Dream是一本书的名字。
"一个梦(应该是书名)"是一本有丰富内涵的书,(a rich read)其中所描述的生活、以及所描述的女士们的写作方式各有不同.(这本书貌似是16个女的写的)但是,作为一个成年人,我对一本好书(a "great" book)的要求是:它要意识到它对于现实的描写从本质上来说只是片面的(self-consciousness about the tenous nature of representations of reality),它要把复杂的细节很好地具象化(critical contextualizaton of florid detail—个人理解就是不能是流水账,要很好地交代背景),而且它要意识到理念在我们日常生活中的作用.从这些条件来看,“一个梦”做的是不够的.
再问: 厉害,好强的悟性。开始有些明白了。 contextualization of florid detail意思会不会是:用华丽复杂的细节勾画出一个(栩栩如生的)背景。contexualization会不会是构建语境的意思? self-awareness和self-consciousness 会不会基本上是一个意思,在这里为了避免重复而采用不同的词汇表达同样的意思?
再答: 嗯 我也觉得self-awareness, self-consciousness是为避免重复 contextualization of florid detail你译得比我好
再问: 而这段文字后有一道题,其中一个答案(要求指出A dream缺乏什么)对这句话做了对应的形式上的变化,答案原文是:It offers a wealth of detail without sufficient critical examination of that detail. 另外我查了一下韦字典,基本搞明白了,是“联系上下文思考”的意思。
再答: 挺不错