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英语翻译1 壮族小伙与姑娘们各分成一群一伍,彼此先对唱山歌.随后姑娘们便将各自用做成的绣球,抛向自己心爱的小伙子.一对青

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/04 16:32:10
1 壮族小伙与姑娘们各分成一群一伍,彼此先对唱山歌.随后姑娘们便将各自用做成的绣球,抛向自己心爱的小伙子.一对青年男女,通过多次对歌,相互认识,最后结为夫妻.
2 新娘把糖果、饼干还有硬币撒到床上,让小孩抢拿.此后,嫂嫂给新郎新娘的嘴里各送一块糖,问新郎新娘甜不甜?新郎新娘要异口同声回答:甜.至此,壮族传统的婚礼习俗才宣告全部结束.
3 提亲这天,男方带两只大公鸡到女方家来,这两只鸡必须当众杀死,用两滴血放在酒里混合后让男女双方饮下,表示百年到老;鸡心不切破煮熟吃下,表示永远不变心;鸡肠子也不切断,吃了后表示连接一起,永不分离.
4 婚礼的每个程序和环节都有歌舞相伴,融进了各种艺术活动,如哭嫁歌、迎娶歌、对歌等.在我国各民族婚礼中,土族婚礼的表现形式最有艺术特点,被誉为“歌舞剧”式的婚礼.
Zhuang guy with a group of girls each divided into five ,each first duet folk songs .Then the girls put their use made of hydrangeas,threw his beloved boy.A pair of young men and women ,through multiple antiphonal singing ,mutual understanding ,and finally married.
2 brides put candy,cookies and coins scattered on the bed ,so that children get robbed .Since then,his wife 's mouth to the bride and groom to send a sugar ,and asked the bride and groom sweet and not sweet The bride and groom to be answered in unison :Sweet .Thus,the traditional wedding customs Zhuang was declared all over.
3 propose marriage on this day ,the man with two big cocks come to the woman's home ,which must be publicly kill chickens ,with two drops of blood on the wine mixture so that both men and women drink ,which means that a hundred years old ; lockets not cut broken cooked eating ,which means that the heart will never change ; Intestinal child is not cut off ,said after eating connected together ,never separated.
Four weddings and links for each program are accompanied by dance and into a variety of artistic activities,such as weeping song,marry song,singing in antiphonal style and so on.Various ethnic groups in our country wedding,wedding Tu manifestations most artistic characteristics,known as the " musical" style wedding