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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 22:49:18
     1. It’s pretty well understood _______controls the flow of Carbon dioxide in and out the    atmosphere today.    A. that  B. when  C. what  D. how  *     2. There is a new problem involved in the popularity of private cars _____road conditions    need _____.  A. that, to be improved B. which, to be improved C. where, improving  D. when, improving  *     3. I read about it in some book or another, does it matter ____it was? A. where  B. what  C. how  D. which *     4. Go and get your coat; it is ______you left it. A. there  B. where   C. there where   D. where there      5. ________you don’t like him is none of my business. A. What  B. Who  C. That  D. Whether       6. Whether ways will be found to stop pollution or not is just _______worries the public. A. why   B. what   C. that   D. which      7. ________I have will be yours sooner or later.  A. No matter what  B. No matter whatever  C. Whatever  D. That      8. ________is more or less advanced can pass the test. A. Anyone  B. Who   C. No matter who D. Whoever      9.  —What made you so excited?  —________the first place in the race.  A. Because I got B. Because of getting      C. I got  D. My getting      10. I know nothing about her but ________she is from Canada.  A. how  B. when  C. that  D. why        11. Sarah hopes to become a friend of ________shares her interest.  A. anyone   B. whomever   C. whoever  D. no matter who      12. I don’t know ________he doesn’t like the book you referred to yesterday.  A. whether   B. if     C. how   D. that      13. —Do you know _______Mr. Black’s address is?  —He may live at No.18 or No 19 of Bridge street. I’m not sure of_______. A. what; which  B. where; which  C. where; what  D. what; where      14. The thought ________he might be a scientist some day encouraged him to study hard.  A. whether  B. that   C. how   D. why       15. The ties are good in both quality and style she knows that ________she chooses will match her husband. A. whatever  B. however  C. what   D. whichever       16. After five hours’ drive, they reached ________they thought was the place they’d been dreaming of. A. that   B. where   C. which   D. what       17. I must think of a proper gift for my mother, ________won’t be expensive but will make her  happy.  A. who that  B. the one which  C. it  D. one that      18. —Do you think that man will come to your help?  —I really don’t know ________a person like him can help me with. A. how    B. what   C. why   D. if      19. I know ________he said so at the meeting is true.  A. what   B. how   C. why   D. that          20. ________I can’t understand is ________he wants to change his mind.  A. That; that  B. What; what  C. Which; how  D. What; why

答案:C  解析:该句中It为形式主语.本题考查主语从句的引导词.主语从句中少了主语,故用what.   答案:A  解析:本题即考查了名词性从句又考查了非谓语动词,综合性较强.因为need后可跟improving和to be improved,所以难点在第一个空上.考生要学会分析句子结构,找出从句的先行词,是problem而不是cars,从句是解释说明.problem的内容, 为同位语从句,故只能选A. that.本句语义为:“私人轿车普及牵涉到一个新的问题,道路条件需改善.”答案:D  解析:这是一个宾语从句,宾语从句中it was后缺少表语.in some book or another表明这里指的是哪本书,有选择范围时用which,这句话的意思是:“我在某本书里读到有关这方面的问题,这与那本书有关系吗?”答案:B  解析:该题考查表语从句的引导词,there不是连接词,根据句意应选一个表示地点的连接词,此句话意为:“去拿你的大衣,就在你原来放的地方.”答案:C  解析:that引导主语从句,不在句中作任何成份.表示一个事实,叙述一件事情.句意为:“你不喜欢他是你的事,跟我没关系.”答案:B  解析:本句意思为:“公众所担忧的是能否找到制止污染的办法.”what引导表语从句,在句中作主语,可分解成the thing that.对于what引导的从句,要学会分析、解剖、多记忆.答案:C  解析:此处为主语从句,故不选A、B,D项that只表引导,不在句中作成份,故不能选.C项whatever引导主语从句,在句中做have的宾语,可解剖为anything that,句意为:“我现在所拥有的一切迟早是你的.” 答案:D  解析:本句语义为:“差不多智力好的都能通过考试.”whoever引导主语从句,whoever=anyone who,C项只能引导状语从句.答案:D 解析:此题考查考生在省略结构中对动名词作主语的掌握情况,此题可补全为:“My getting the first place in the match made me excited;”要选C项应改为:That I got, 要选A、B项题干应改为:“Why were you so excited?”答案:C  解析:本句题干意思为:“我只知道她是加拿大人,别的一无所知.”that作but的宾语,指代后面整句话的意思,要选A、B、D项,题干应改为„„she came from Canada.答案:C  解析:本句语义为:“沙拉希望与她有共同兴趣爱好的人交朋友.”whoever shares her interest=anyone who shares her interest. 在从句中作主语,故选whoever而非whomever.答案:D  解析:理解句义是解题的关键,本句语义为“我不知道他不喜欢你昨天的起的那本书”,选项A、B、C皆不合句义关系.答案:A  解析:what Mr. Black’s address is=where Mr. Black lives. 类似的表达还有:what’s the age/height/length/weight„等;前面还提到No.18.or No.19,有范围限制,故which指代No.18.或 No.19.答案:B 解析:先行词为The thought, that引导同位语从句,解释说明thought的内容,本句可简写为“The thought encouraged him to study”,句义为:“一想到有朝一日能成为科学家,他倍感鼓舞,刻苦学习.”     15.答案:D  解析:因前面有“The ties” “什么”的限定,所以这里只能用“哪一个”,whichever, 句意为:“这些领带质量和样式都很好,她知道无论选哪一个都会适合她丈夫.”     16.答案:D  解析:此处需要填一个词,它即做reach的宾语,还要做这个宾语的定语从句的引导词.A、B选项只有后一种功能,B项为副词,不可选,此处D项what=the/a place that/which句意为:开车行程五小时后,他们认为到了他们梦寐以求的那个地方.”     17.答案:D  解析:理解好题干句意对选对答案非常重要,本句意为:“我一定要为母亲想出一个合适的礼物,一个不贵但能使她高兴的礼物.”此处选one=a gift为范指,故不选the one;that引导定语从句,修饰one; 如选C项,应改为并列句,and it won’t be„.     18.答案:B  解析:what引导宾语从句,在从句中做介词with的宾语.即短语help sb with sth结构,粗心的考生可能会选D项if, 即“我真不知道象她这样的人是否能帮助我.”本句语义为:“你认为那个人会帮你吗?”“我真不知道象他那样的人能帮我什么.”        19.答案:D  解析:宾语从句中的主语从句为he said so at the meeting,即“他在会上说这些”,不缺少主语和宾语,排除A项what; 后面的true说明前面的事实或情况是真实的,故B、C项不合句义.选择D项that, 引导宾语从句中的主语从句,说明一个事实或情况,题干句义为:“我知道他在会上真的说过这样的话”.      20. 答案:D  解析:理解句义是做对此题的关键.本句意思为:“我不明白,他为什么要改变主意”.What引导主语从句,在句中做understand的宾语,即The thing I can’t understand; why引导表语从句.